Sitting cross-legged on the bed, they ate a delicious breakfast and then made love again one more time as single people.

“I hope getting married doesn’t change things too much,” Wendy said, getting out of the shower again.

“It’ll just get better. Wait and see. We’ll have all the time in the world.” He grabbed a towel to dry his hair. “We never talked about having a family.”

“I guess we should do that,” she replied. “I want kids but not right now. I like the idea of being in my thirties to have a family. It’s not too old, is it? And you’re so young; you don’t want kids right away, do you?”

When he didn’t respond right away, she walked up to him. “Do you even want kids?”

“I think so. I’ll be honest, I never thought about it.”

“Well, now is the time, my dear, because I definitely want a kid or two. And if you’re not on board with it, we’d better call it a day.”

“I’m thinking, I’m thinking.”

“Oh God, this isn’t funny,” she said when he laughed.

“I know. I want kids, okay? But like you said, not for a couple of years.” He held up his hand. “Will a pinky swear hold up in a court of law?”

“I think so. Will you let me record you saying you want kids in a couple of years?”

“Yeah, you can record it. Can I get some clothes on?”

“No, it will have more legal impact if you’re naked. Let me get my phone.”

She held the phone so it recorded the upper half of his body, including his awesome chest, and hit video.

“Do you want children, Oliver Saint? Say my name, Wendy Adams.”

“Yes, Wendy Adams, soon to be my wife, I want to have kids with you in a few years.”

She ended the video.

“There. Now I have it in black and white.” They high-fived. “What next?”

“Goin’ to the chapel and we’re gonna get married,” he singsonged.

“I can’t believe it! What should I wear?”

“Just what you would normally wear on a day in Las Vegas—jeans and a T-shirt.” He got a clean shirt out of his suitcase and began to dress. “I made reservations at one of the chapels. I hope that was okay.”

“Oliver, that was so sweet! You are such a planner. What time is our reservation?”

“It’s at two, so we should probably get moving.”

“Okay,” she said, yawning. “I’m ready.”

She waited while he locked their valuables, including their computers, in the room safe. They went out to the car hand in hand, the enormity of what they were about to do just making an impact.

The chapel he chose was only a few blocks from the hotel. He pulled into the parking lot, and it didn’t register right away. He opened her door and took her hand to help her out, and they held hands, walking to the chapel.

“Look at all the California license plates. That’s so weird,” she said.

When he opened the door, the first person she saw was her mother.

“Surprise!” Helen cried, grabbing her daughter.

Her father was standing behind Helen with his wife, smiling and pleasant. Introductions went around, and then Wendy glanced into the chapel proper and saw several of the Saints standing there, smiling, including Clare and Harry Steinberg. That was when she lost it and began to cry in earnest.