“I would have still married you if you stayed with the league, you know.”

“I know. Is this a step down, marrying a fireman?”

“Oliver, oh my god, no! I might have hesitated back there, but that was just because it was the unknown. This is exactly what I wanted. I want you. Not your job. I don’t care if you ever work again. You know that.”

“I’d go nuts if I didn’t have something to do. I’m not ready to quit. My uncle Big Mike can hardly walk, and he still works full time. I have those genes.”

“I find that so attractive,” she said, taking his hand.

He looked over at her, then, keeping his eyes on the road, leaned over to kiss her.

“Do you want to get married tomorrow?” he asked, chuckling. “Las Vegas is the Wedding Capital of the World.”


They hadn’t talked about setting a date. Why wait? She was ready to marry him and start their life.

“Yes! We can get married tomorrow,” she said, laughing. “I feel slightly mad. Like I might have to have my head examined.”

“Me too. But in a good way.”

They held hands for the next five hours, making plans for the future. While she was at work for three days next week, he’d arrange for movers to pack up her apartment and ship everything west. Part of the settlement he’d made with the team; they would pay for his relocation.

Since making the decision to work at Station #34, he’d have to take the four-month class, but in the meantime, he could get his CPR certification. A lot could be accomplished in the coming weeks. By the time they reached Las Vegas, he was feeling more hopeful than he had in months.

“I’m getting into the shower,” Wendy said. “Do you want to order something for lunch? I’d kill for a big salad.”

“You trust me with that?” he asked, frowning.

“You’ll be fine.”

She stood on her tiptoes, the multiple all-nighters they’d pulled in the last week catching up with her. After she disappeared into the bathroom, Oliver used the time to make phone calls.

A half hour later, she finally came out, looking freshly scrubbed and delectable. He looked at his phone and then back to Wendy, rubbing his chin.

“The food should be here in five minutes, so as soon as it comes, I’ll take my turn in the shower, and then I’d like to jump you if you’re in the mood.”

Suddenly shy, she grinned up at him.

“Soon-to-be husband, I’m in the mood. Hurry up, deliveryman.”


Saturday morning arrived, the sun streaming in through a slit in the drapery. They lay naked in each other’s arms, the dry air making their skin like silk.

“I can get used to this,” Oliver said, running his hand from her shoulder to her waist, across her hip down her leg.

“We’ll be together for the rest of our lives. Today is just the beginning.”

“You’re okay with it being here in Vegas? Did you want a big wedding?”

“No, none of that. My parents can’t afford it, and I definitely don’t want us to spend our money like that. This is fine. We can get a picture taken, and I’ll share it with everyone.”

A knock on the door startled her.

“I ordered breakfast last night,” he said. “Cover up.”

He got out of bed naked, and she buried her face in the pillow so he wouldn’t hear her giggling. The sight of that body always made her react the same way. He pulled his dirty jeans back on and went to the door, returning seconds later with a room service cart piled with food.