They left the house for the mall, where they fought the crowds and got gifts for everyone they could think of, including his brother, Paul, and Aunt Roberta, and with Oliver trying to remember how many kids there were, they just got ten stuffed animals.

“What about your mother and father?” he asked.

“I sent them gifts before we left Michigan. That trip to the post office after Thanksgiving? Christmas gifts.”

“I like it that you’re always one step ahead of me.”

“I feel like you’re ahead of me,” she replied. “We definitely complement each other. So let’s go.”

Christmas Eve would be spent between the two families. First, a surprise dinner at Harry Steinberg’s house this year. It was a formal, quiet affair, a fancy meal served by uniformed waiters while Oliver’s mother, Clare, talked nonstop, finishing off a bottle of champagne and then Harry asking for another.

In spite of the alcohol, the evening ended up being fun and relaxing. Oliver’s brother, Paul, was there with his wife, a lovely girl who went out of her way to make Wendy feel comfortable.

At eight, they were dismissed to go to Aunt Roberta and Uncle Mike’s house next. This would be where Wendy’s eyes would be opened wide about the Saint family. If she chose to move to California with Oliver, and that was where they appeared to be headed, his cousins and their wives would be the core of their friends.

Cousin Joey’s wife, Candy, was a doctor; Tony’s wife, Bridget, was a paramedic; and friend Devon’s wife, Aisling, was a registered nurse.

“Is it true?” Candy asked. “Charlie told Tony and Joey, and they told us that you might move here with Oliver.”

She burst out laughing. “How is that even possible? We just agreed that it might happen yesterday!”

“The men in this family are clairvoyant. Don’t even think of a secret around Big Mike or Charlie because they’ll guess it. They know stuff before you even think of it.”

“I’ll put a word in for you if you decide to move here,” Aisling said. “I work in the unit at a level one trauma center.”

“And I’m there in a pediatric residency, so I can put a word in, too.”

“And if you want to work for the fire service, just ask Charlie. They’d kill to have an RN for their flight team.”

“You’re all so nice, thank you so much. So what you’re saying is that a job won’t be a problem.”

“Zero problem,” Aisling said. “I’d love to have a sister-in-law to work with. You know, keep up with the family gossip.”

“And there is a ton of gossip, all the time,” Candy said. “I get blamed for sharing a lot of it, but it’s only to be helpful.”

“Oh, one of those,” Wendy said, teasing.

“Let’s eat,” Big Mike called into the living room.

“Let me know how I can help,” Candy said. “I’m so glad it’s you and not Joanne, you have no idea.”

Wendy bit her lip to keep from laughing in Candy’s face. On the other side of her, Bridget winked. “I rest my case. Aisling will help you,” she whispered. “Avoid Candy if you can.”

So this was the family dynamic—the doctor, the nurse and the paramedic, all giving her advice.

Dinner was over the top. She was already stuffed from Harry’s dinner party, and now it looked like she’d be expected to chow down.

“Vigilia di Natale!” Big Mike yelled, startling a baby or two. “While we wait for the midnight birth of Jesus, we celebrate with the Feast of the Seven Fishes.”

“This is literally a feast,” Bridget said. “And then tomorrow, you’ll be expected to eat a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. And sausage and peppers, veal cutlets, lasagna, homemade ravioli, and meatballs and garlic bread.”

Then Roberta called out, “Silenzeo!First, tonight we’re having shrimp cocktail, not exactly Italian, but in honor of our guest, Wendy.”

Mortified, she tried not to shrink down in her chair as everyone turned to her, Oliver taking her hand. Roberta and her sister went around the table with open bottles of champagne, pouring a glass for everyone.

Everyone talked at once, waiting for them to finish. Roberta handed Big Mike a glass.

“A toast to Wendy! Welcome to the Saint family! We hope you’ll stay!”