“Wait, I need to take yours off,” he said, gesturing to her underpants.

“I’ll do it. You just watch.”

She wiggled her panties over her hips, turning around so he could see her from every angle.

“You’re killing me,” he said.

“Do you want me?”

“What do you think?” he asked, framing his penis with his hands.

“Let’s get in the shower.”

The next minutes were wonderful, soaping each other’s bodies, and then when they were rinsed off, exploration could really begin.

Before too long, they were lying in bed together, spent and satisfied.

“That was definitely worth waiting for,” Oliver said, his head in the crook of her arm.

She ran her fingers over his scalp, combing his curls with her hand. “It’s been barely a month,” she said, laughing.

“Will you marry me?”

“Of course. I guess you think a month is long enough,” she said, laughing.

“It is in my book. I want you to be my wife. Why wait?”

“Why, indeed,” she answered, pulling her arm around him. “What’s next today? I mean, whatever it is can’t top that.”

“That’s for sure. I guess we’d better go Christmas shopping two days before Christmas.”

“I swear, I never even thought of it. I’m bad.”

“I don’t like to shop.”

“No, me either. I figured you didn’t like it when you were pouting at the grocery store.”

“Ha! Yep, I really don’t like it, but I do it because I have to. And I guess it’s too late to shop online, so we’d better get moving.”

He moved over to the edge of the bed, with his back to her. Looking at his body was a little breathtaking, his back was so strong, not a blemish marking it. She got up on her elbow, ran her finger down his spine, and he shivered.

“Your body is amazing. I want to just look at you.”

“I want to look at you, too. I want to lick you all over again.”

She fell back on the bed, laughing. “I’ll never get any shopping done if you talk like that.”

He got back next to her, looking down into her eyes. “I love you so much. You’re wonderful, Wendy. I want to spend the rest of my life making love to you.”

“Until death us do part.”

“Yep, exactly. I didn’t know what I was missing.”

“I think it was this good because we love each other,” she said, kissing him. “Let’s get moving. We’d better toilet the dogs, too. I’m a little concerned because we haven’t heard a peep.”

They got re-dressed and tiptoed out to the main part of the house to find four dogs lying haphazardly around the living room with the setting sun streaming down upon them while they snored.

“I have to get a picture of this,” Oliver said, snapped a photo, and sent it to Charlie and Clare. “I’ll let my mother know we’re here.”