“Let’s go now. I’ll tell her we’re tired and going to a hotel. Then tomorrow I’ll explain we aren’t coming back. Over the phone.”


“Yeah, but then it’s not a lie.”

“True,” he replied, suddenly happy. “At least you got to see your mother.”

“I did! I love her, but maybe not on her turf. I’ll invite her to visit when we move to California.”

“What did you say?”

“Never mind. Let’s go back and say goodbye.”

Chapter 6

The gatekeeper, Ralph, approached the car with a big smile. “Welcome back, Mr. Saint! Is it a surprise this time?”

“No, not this time,” Oliver said. “They know we’re coming.”

“I’m so sorry about Thanksgiving.”

“No worries at all,” Oliver said, thinking,Just open the gate, please.

“This place is amazing,” Wendy said. “I don’t think I’ve ever been inside a million-dollar house.” The gate opened and he drove the rental car through. “Wait, these are more than a million, right?”

“I think so,” he said, uncomfortable. “My dad got lucky in the stock market. He’s a fireman, not a wealthy man. His property taxes here are ridiculous. I wonder how he pays them.”

“Oh my God, is that your house?” she cried when he pulled into the driveway.

“Not mine. Charlie’s.”

“I’m gonna love this, like I’m staying at a spa.”

He chuckled, leaning over to kiss her before they got out. “He has a spa in the pool, but it’s a little cold to be wet outside.”

“That’s okay. I can dream.”

Getting out of the car with the dog and the suitcases this time, they were staying put at Charlie’s for the rest of the trip.

“Now we have to introduce Sadie to the hellhounds.”

“A Great Dane and Jack Russells, correct? This should be interesting.”

Sadie stood alert as the three sniffed her. There was no growling or even a standoff.

“Well, that’s a surprise,” Wendy said. “After the ill will in Las Vegas!”

The news that they were leaving had not gone over well with Helen and Earle, who accused them of being selfish and thin-skinned, but Wendy swore she didn’t care.

“I love my mother, don’t get me wrong, but the boyfriend has become more important than I am. I’m sorry you won’t get to meet my dad, though. He’s the opposite of Earle.”

“I’ll meet him at the wedding,” Oliver answered, giving her a sidelong glance.

“Is that right? Well, what do you know about that.”

Grinning, she didn’t say more as he showed her around, taking her to her bedroom, which was on the other side of the house from his.

“My dad has a sense of humor,” Oliver said. “This might be a little far away.”