“Like ripping off my clothes and jumping you?” he asked, laughing. “I can be spontaneous for fun things. You want to go skiing tomorrow? I’m ready. Fly to Las Vegas to see your family? Christmas is in six days. Sign me up.”

“Really? Because I was thinking of going myself. My only concern is the dog. She won’t be staying in a kennel again anytime soon.”

“Let’s take her,” he said. “We’ll find an airline that has a safe place for animals to travel.”

“Are you serious?”

“I’m totally serious. I’ll meet your family, and then we can drive to San Diego so you can meet mine.”

“I did already, remember?”

“Oh, right. Well, you can meet the rest of them.”

He let her go and sat down on the couch, picking up his computer to find flights. “When are you off again?”

“I have my regular four-day work stretch, and then I’m off Wednesday for my four days, then a week vacation over the holiday.” She got a paper calendar from her purse and read off dates.

“Christmas is on Friday. How about if we go two days before, so leave here on Wednesday, and then come back on the Sunday after New Year’s Day?”

“Okay, whatever you think.”

“The question is where do we go first?”

“I don’t know how to decide,” she said, not wanting to hog up the whole holiday with her family.

“We can fly into Vegas, and I’ll drive to San Diego on Christmas Eve. Then we can both be with our families.”

“Okay,” she said, not wanting to let her disappointment show through.

Typing away, he prepared to make reservations for two adults and a dog. “I just thought of something. What’s the big day at your house? The Eve or the Day?”

“We’ve always done Christmas Eve at my mother’s house,” Wendy said.

“Why can’t we do both?”

“It’s a five-hour drive from her house to San Diego,” she said, frowning. “I’ve done it before.”

“So we leave early Christmas Day and we’ll be there in time for dinner. Having dinner at Aunt Roberta’s is something everyone should experience in a lifetime.”

“Are you sure?”

“Call your mother and make sure she’s even going to be home.”

“Good idea.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to spend Christmas Day with her?”

“She spends it with her boyfriend’s family.”

“What about your father?”

“They’re going to his stepdaughter’s house in Utah.”

“It sounds like my family. My mother is living with a Jewish guy, so no worries about Christmas there, and my father is involved with a woman young enough to be his daughter, so I’m not sure what they’re going to do, some activity between shuffleboard and a rave, I guess.”

“You’re insane!” she cried, laughing. “I saw your father, and he’s far from shuffleboard.”

“But Aunt Roberta always has a huge Christmas, with enough food to choke a pig and a tree in every room.”