The countdown had begun. Christmas loomed ahead the next week, a beacon of family traditions and broken dreams. He’d gotten the go-ahead to start working out again and was given the use of the practice facility gym along with a trainer until the first of the year. It gave him something to look forward to.

“We can do that much for him,” Coach Clark said, and no one argued.

After they’d spent three of her four days off together, Oliver was sure she was the one. It would mean putting aside moving back to California right away. He didn’t even discuss it with her because he felt adding that issue to a new relationship was unfair. What if she decided she didn’t really like him all that much? No, they’d be together for a while and then make that decision later.

That first day of eating pizza and watching movies and just being together was wonderful. When it was time to go to sleep, he gave her his bed, and with Jim’s permission, since he was gone, Oliver took Jim’s bed.

On Tuesday, they ran errands: bank, post office, grocery store, gas station (Oliver pumped), Pet City for dog accoutrement, and Sadie came along. Everywhere they went, Oliver’s arm rested across Wendy’s shoulder. He wore a Detroit Lions knitted hat, and she wore leggings with the wordLionsprinted up the sides. When she came out of the bedroom wearing them, he beamed with pride.

“If only I were still on the team.”

“As long as they pay you, you’re still a Lion,” she said. “And when that ends, you’ll be a retired Lion.”

The healing began for Oliver when she said that.

“I never thought of it that way. But the truth is that once they knew I was injury prone, I was just a liability. Look at Peyton Manning. He was one of the greatest NFL players of all time, but once he couldn’t play, they released him as fast as they could.

“Football is just a business. I had a short time playing, but like my dad said, my big head got in the way.”

She snickered, hugging him. “I’m so sorry. But you’re so smart to move forward. The question remains, where are you moving? Are you staying here in this apartment with Jim?”

“Nah, it would be too hard to live with a player. I know that sounds like, wawa, I’m a baby, but I have to be realistic.”

“Move in with me,” she said. “You saw my apartment. And I doubt if you’ll be in Michigan for long anyway, so why sign another lease?”

“Why do you think I won’t be in Michigan long?”

“Oliver, let’s not play games. I know you want to move back to California someday. Let’s just deal with the current issues. Move in with me.”

“I’m not sure—”

“What if I take some of the pink and floral out?”

“Ha! That’s not it at all. I love your decorating. It’s just that I’m so big and it’s so small.”

“I’m gone for thirteen hours, three days a week. You can be with Sadie. You’re starting school in January, right? You’ll be here studying. Then, if and when you decide you have to move back, you can do so.”

“Where would I sleep?” he asked in a dreamy voice, chuckling.

“I’ll turn that little den into a bedroom. At least untilother arrangements are made.”

He grabbed her into a bear hug when she laughed. Nuzzling her neck, he loved the way she smelled, always like some wonderful floral scent she said was just inexpensive face cream. He wanted to lick her skin, to taste her.

“It’s gonna happen eventually, correct? We’re not always going to be like brother and sister?”

“No. But it has to be longer than a couple of weeks, doesn’t it?” she asked.

“We can take as long as you want. I’m getting sick of cold showers, but I’ll survive.”

“You’re joking, right?”

“I’m joking. But I can’t wait.”

“Me either,” she said, standing on tiptoes to reach his lips. “I don’t think adding sex to the mix right now would be helpful because you’re still in the decision-making stage. Once you have an idea what your next step will be, then we can get on with it.”

“You’re right,” he said. “I’ve taken those personality tests, and I’m a planner and plotter and like to know what I’ll be doing in the future.”

“Yeah, me too,” she replied, doubtful. “I wonder if that will even work for two people. You have to have some spontaneity in life, don’t you?”