You’re so sweet I instantly feel better.

Laughing, she read the message and had an idea.

Stay where you are. Give me an hour. Trust me.

He replied,Ok.

Within an hour, the door buzzer sounded. He was lying in bed.

“Who is it?” he said into the intercom.

“Me! Wendy and a friend.”

Letting her in, he heard panting and laughed out loud, figuring it was Sadie.

“Sadie! Come on in.”

Wendy was loaded down with a pizza box and bags of food. “I ran over to Dino’s Pizza. You have stromboli, cheese bread, spaghetti, and Detroit-style deep-dish pizza.”

Following her into the kitchen, Oliver laughed, rubbing his belly. “I’m still fat from Thanksgiving.”

She swirled around and looked at him, first his face, then his belly. “You’re nuts. You arenotfat.” She began to unpack the food. “Besides, I have four days off work. We won’t have to cook all week.”

Cringing, she realized that she’d just invited herself into his life for four days.

“That sounds like a wonderful plan,” he said, his eyes boring into her. “Because I’m ready to veg.”

“Like sweatpants, close the shades veg?” she asked, holding up a clear plastic container of cannoli. “Like only take Sadie out for a pee veg?”

“Exactly like that.” He squatted down to pet Sadie while Wendy set out the food. “I’m starving and I have a sweet tooth.”

“Me too.”

She wiped her hands together. “We’re all ready. Shall we stay in here, or do you want to eat at the real dining room table?”

“You mean in the living room? I’m ready to get on the couch,” he said. “Do you mind if we don’t watch the game?”

“I don’t want to watch the game. Let’s find a movie.”

“What do you like? Action? Sci-fi? Romance? Mystery?”

“All of the above. I’m easy,” she said, handing over a paper plate the restaurant had provided.

They loaded up the plates, laughing.

“You won’t eat all that,” he said, shocked. She had one of everything.

“You think? Just watch me. I don’t eat when I’m working, just a fruit and salad because I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep. So I make up for it when I’m off.”

Taking their plates full of food, they sat on opposite ends of the couch, with Sadie jumping between them.

“Oh, is that okay? Nothing like my dog making herself at home.”

“That’s where she sat when she lived here,” he replied, laughing. “It’s her place.”

He threw her the remote, and she went right to a classic movie channel, whereThe Day the Earth Stood Stillhad just started.

“Oh, my God. I always fall asleep during this movie!”