“That’s good.”

There didn’t seem to be much more to say, figuring he was thinking of his future, not of whom he was going to ask out on a date. She felt selfish and foolish; his livelihood was hanging in the balance and she wanted a date.

“Let me know what they say,” she finally said.

“I will. Do you want to go to lunch tomorrow? I’ll have an idea by lunchtime. You can listen to me whine.”

Then he laughed. His laugh was deep and musical, like a baritone’s song. It sent chills down her spine.Now we’re getting somewhere, she thought.I just have to be patient with him.

“One of the top things on my list of priorities is to listen to you whine,” she replied, giggling.

“I want to come over, but I won’t,” he said. “I missed you this week. It got me thinking, a lot.”

Her heart rate sped up a notch. “Yeah, it’s probably better if we stick to public places for a while.”

She heard him giggle on the other end of the phone. “I feel the same way. Sadie will protect you.”

“Ah, I think not. She’ll probably try to lick you to death when she sees you. She sniffed me when I was with you the day of your injury. She knew I’d been with you.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet. Nothing like a dog.”

“Okay, so you’ll get in touch tomorrow?”

“I will. As soon as I know what’s happening. And just for the record, I can’t wait to see you.”

She let him have the last word.

They said goodbye and hung up. He smiled while he unpacked. Talking to Wendy had calmed him down; the worries about everything seemed a little easier to cope with right then. He only had to get over the disappointment of not being able to play.

There were a few other things that meant something: his family, of course, fitness and body building were important. As soon as he got the go-ahead from the neurologist, he’d start at the gym again. Once the idea of going to grad school had surfaced, he couldn’t wait to look into that more. He’d be able to do most of it online, which would eliminate having to move for school. But moving back to California encompassed more than that, and he didn’t have to justify it. He still wasn’t thinking in terms of leaving Wendy behind.

After he showered and got into sweatpants, he unpacked his computer and typed in the URL for San Diego State.

Coach John Clark had championed for Oliver Saint from the first time he laid eyes on his statistics. There was just something about the young man, an earnestness and simplicity and strength of character that appealed to Coach Clark and the general managers of the Detroit franchise.

The accident left Oliver unable to play and with a voided contract. But the team still had an obligation to him. The proposition they were going to offer was fair and would provide a supplement to the livelihood Oliver would have to transition to.

He got ready for the Monday meeting like he was going out on a date with his ex-wife. But when they got to the conference room, Oliver didn’t have his agent or an attorney with him.

“Are you sure you want to do this now? You should have some representation.”

“I’m ready to get it over with. I’ll have my attorney look over the paperwork before I sign it anyway.”

“Okay, well, let’s get started,” the team’s attorney said.

After Oliver listened and looked over the papers, he nodded and pushed away from the table.

“Like I said, I’ll have my attorney check it out, and get back to you.”

They shook hands all around and he left the building. A wave of despair washed over him on the way to his car. The offer was not exactly what he’d hoped for. Wendy would be waiting to hear from him, but did he want to even bother in the mood he was in? A warm bed with a pillow to put over his head would be more satisfying than making small talk with a stranger. He dug out his phone and didn’t mince words.

Please take a rain check. I’m too bummed out to go to lunch. Sorry. I’d be awful company.

In seconds, he got a reply.

I totally understand. I wondered if you’d be in any mood. Take a nap and we’ll talk later. I can’t wait to see you.

Her answer had an immediate effect on him, and he texted her back.