“You mean like a beautician?” Geri asked, stunned. Poor Jake. This was news she’d keep to herself for a while.

“Exactly like that. I was all for it,” Roberta said.

“It’s never too late,” Candy replied.

“Beautiful Jake working at a salon. Now that’s a vision I can see,” Ava said.

“Me too!” Candy exclaimed. “He should have his own salon.”

Incredulous, Geri listened to them chatter until Roberta changed the subject, encouraging them to take more food. “Eat! Eat!”

The food was delicious, and she started to relax during dessert and coffee. Something clicked when it became apparent that the women were accepting her as a family member. She should appreciate it instead of fighting it. Imagining their response when they found out she was going to have a baby was exciting, too. She didn’t have any cousins, and her brothers were probably going to live at home with Mom and Dad forever, which left out in-laws. So being part of a big Italian family was something to look forward to. She’d have to remember to tell Jake instead of dismissing him like she was prone to do when he talked about marriage and family and happily ever after.

At two, she’d had enough, and rather than make an announcement, she went to Roberta and said she needed to be on her way without offering an excuse. It took fifteen minutes, but soon she was safely in her car, rolling down the driveway with Big Mike standing in the doorway, waving goodbye.

Chapter 9

On a warm Friday afternoon in mid-February, Geri and Jake boarded a small cruise ship, unlike the gargantuan ships they’d seen on TV, for a trip up the California coastline.

“I guess I didn’t realize it was such a small ship,” Jake said.

“You must have paid a fortune for the tickets,” Geri said, glancing around. “It’s opulent.”

“It is?” Jake was doubtful. “I hope it will be okay. I keep thinking of the movieTitanic.”

“Oh god, don’t start obsessing about that,” Geri said, laughing. “It’s a glamorous old ship.”

Their stateroom was lovely. “Look at this place. I’m worried we won’t want to get off now.”

“We should have booked it for longer than the three-day cruise,” Jake said, trying not to obsess.

“We can do it again. We have the rest of our lives,” Geri replied.

They put their suitcases away and went out on the balcony in time to watch the ship cast off.

“I can’t wait to give you your gift,” Jake said, going to the closet.

“I’ll give you yours, too.”

They rattled around with their backs to each other.

“You go first,” Jake said, handing her a medium-sized box.

“My gift is the same size as yours,” Geri said.

“Wouldn’t it be funny if we got each other the same thing?”

“Hysterical, but I doubt very much that you got me what I got you,” Geri answered, laughing.

She sat down on the bed and took the paper off the gift. Looking up at Jake, he was smiling, so pleased with himself.

“Jake, it’s beautiful.”

She’d uncovered a carved box with a hinged top.

“It’s a firefighter’s memory box. You said you didn’t get one for graduation.”

She stood up and hugged him with one arm. “I didn’t. This is just perfect for Valentine’s Day. Thank you so much.”