“How many children do you have?” he asked.

“Oh, I don’t have kids. Never been married.”

She took a sip of her drink and ended up with whipping cream on the end of her nose. When Charlie saw it, she could tell by his expression that he was amused.


He reached over with a paper napkin and wiped at her nose. “Just a little cream.”

“Ha! That’s me, Miss Graceful.”

“I think you’re cute,” he said sincerely. “As a matter of fact, I think you’re beautiful. I’ve never been a guy who focuses on looks, but now I see that having someone beautiful makes me happy.”

He giggled when she blushed, hiding behind her coffee drink again. “I’m not known as a classic beauty in my circles,” she said. “It’s really in the eyes of the beholder.”

More like a drunk, she thought but, again, didn’t voice it.

“Well, they’re my eyes. Devon thinks you’re beautiful.”

“No, he doesn’t. Devon looks at me like an older sister. He never lets me forget my age.”

“Well, shame on him for that. Can I ask how old you are?”

“Out of my twenties,” she said, frowning. “How old are you?”

“Nearly out of my forties,” he replied, laughing again. “That sounds so much better than almost fifty.” But then he got serious. “So if I’m almost twenty years older than you, maybe we need to rethink this. That’s too big a difference.”

“I’m thirty-four,” she blurted out, wincing. “I’ll lie and say I’m older if it will help.”

He grabbed her hand, his eyebrows up. “I don’t care about age. That was an awful thing for me to say. I meant for your sake.”

“I don’t care about age either,” she quickly said. “Fifteen years isn’t that much.”

“It’s a lot. I can just imagine what my ex-wife will say if we keep seeing each other. Actually, it might be nice.”

Bursting into laughter at Charlie’s ex’s expense, a flood of good feelings washed over both of them.

“I’m not above making other women jealous,” she said, smiling.

He tried not to talk to her chest, looking into her eyes, but there was definitely a sexual tension winding tighter and tighter. She caught it and got serious.

“We should probably slow it down,” she said, quickly adding, “Not that you’re thinking what I’m thinking, but if you are, we’d better slow it down.”

“Agreed,” he said, wishing he could take her home and make passionate love to her.

He watched Lila’s mouth as she talked; she had a small mouth, but her lips were full, not grotesque like some plumped-up mouths were. His ex had had her lips injected, and the first time he saw them, they looked like they hurt so badly his butt cheeks squeezed together.

No, Lila’s mouth begged to be kissed. He could see the tip of her pink tongue like a little kitten’s tongue, and a charge went through his groin that could progress to an explosion if he wasn’t careful. It might be time to get out in the fresh air and get some exercise.

“Are you about done? I’d like to walk around if you’re okay with it.”

“I’d love to take a walk. After that calorie load, I’d better move around a little bit.”

They walked out together, unaware of the glances that came their way, the muscular, handsome guy with a thick head of silver hair, and the gorgeous woman on his arm.

“He could be her father,” a woman whispered, watching.

“He needs to be arrested, then,” another said. “I can smell the pheromones coming from them.”