
Christmas the Following Year

The ceilings in Lila’s mid-century modern house were only nine feet tall, so the tree wasn’t towering like the one at Roberta and Mike’s house. They’d tried setting it up in several different places: in front of the window didn’t work because they didn’t want to block the view to the ocean; next to the fireplace, which frightened them because of the fire risk on the remote chance they’d build a fire; and finally in the bay window in the dining room that looked over the woods. They ended up moving a desk and sticking it in the corner of the living room next to the window.

“Honey, should I put all the food out at once or bring it out in segments?”

She stood in the kitchen, staring at the counter where they’d placed everything, her finger on her lips. Smiling at how cute she was, Charlie went to her to hug.

“I don’t want you worrying about food all day. We can get the appetizers out, and when enough time has passed, we’ll serve the lasagna. I’ll just tell them to come and get it while it’s hot, because this is it.”

“Ha! Mike and Roberta keep the food coming all day. I don’t know how they do it.”

“Yeah, well, we’re not competing with them, so don’t worry about it. No one in that family needs to eat all day anyway. We’re doing them a favor.”

“I’m going to get in the shower. Want to join me?”

He looked at her pregnant belly and held on to it. “I’m not sure we’re both going to fit,” he said, teasing her.

“It’ll be cozy. Come with me. I want to have my way with you before our guests arrive.” She led him to the back of the house and unashamedly undressed in front of him. “I look like a blimp and feel like a stuffed sausage.”

“You’re adorable. You don’t even look pregnant until you turn to the side.” He made her turn around so he could pat her belly. “I don’t see how you’ll make it until March.”

She walked backward, holding on to his hand, pulling him toward the shower.

“Stop talking and take your clothes off.”

The first guests to arrive were Lila’s parents, Bob and Elizabeth, their arms loaded with gifts, having to make several trips to their vehicle to get more gifts. The pile of gag gifts under the tree for Charlie’s family grew in size.

“Okay, you two are out of control,” Lila said, grimacing. “The kid isn’t even here yet.”

“It’s our first grandchild,” Bob said.

“And probably last,” Lila replied.

“Oh, don’t be too sure,” Charlie added, smiling. “I always wanted a big family.”

“Yes, and this makes three for you, so you have your wish.”

“Are your boys coming today?” Bob asked.

“They’ll be here. And so will my brothers and their families.”

“It’s going to be a madhouse,” Lila said.

She wasn’t worried about Big Mike being there in the same room with her father and mother; they’d worked out their issues once her paternity was cleared up, and Big Mike and Roberta were never the wiser.

The best thing about it was that her parents were working at having a new relationship. The other one was so toxic, it wasn’t salvageable. But they did truly love each other, so starting over was worth the effort. The harm their relationship had done to Lila was slowly being chiseled off thanks to Charlie’s love and patience.

Soon, everyone had arrived and were milling around with drinks and plates of food. Of course Big Mike brought more food, trays of antipasto and huge pans of spaghetti and meatballs and another of sausage and peppers. Charlie was glued to Lila’s side.

“Honey, just mingle,” she said, trying to push him off toward his brothers. “This is your family. You don’t have to worry about me.”

“Yeah, well, you know I hate crowds,” he mumbled.

Giving up, she would offer him his main gift in front of the whole family, not something she’d planned on initially.

“Come with me. I actually have a gift for you to open.” She led him to the tree and, grunting, bent down for a slim box.