“I could get into the zoo. But I think it will take more than the zoo to give me any spirit.”

She threw the junk mail into the recycling and grabbed him to hug. “Aw, Charlie, that’s so sad. I know you’re thinking about Mike and George. But this will be our first Christmas together. I really want it to be special. I might even get a tree.”

“Like a pine tree? With lights and all that bologna?”

“Yes, and since you put it that way, now I’m definitely getting a tree. By the way, we’re probably going to have to move, so don’t get too excited about selling your place.”

“Oh no, what happened?”

Letting go, she walked away and took a deep breath. “My parents are getting a divorce.”


In the winter, the animals at the Safari Park that are still awake are frisky, running and frolicking and playing together. The hills were just starting to turn green again with the little rain they’d had. In the distance around the perimeter of the park, blackened hills exposed the devastation of the fire where Charlie nearly lost his life that autumn.

The spitting rain had stopped temporarily, and the temperature rose to the mid-seventies, the sun peeking out from clouds that ran fast in the sky.

“It’s Southern California,” Charlie replied to tourists who were surprised by the mild weather.

“It’s too hot,” Lila complained, pushing up the sleeves of her shirt. “I should have worn shorts.”

“No, you shouldn’t have.” They stopped at the concession stand for coffee before getting on the tram. He looked her up and down. “I’d be too distracted.”

“What are you talking about?” Lila asked, frowning while she got money out of her bag.

“I’d want to jump you worse than I do now with everything on your bod covered up,” he whispered.

“We should have done it before we came here. Now if we see animals having sex, we’ll get jealous.”

“Don’t you have a key to a private lounge or something? You volunteer here. Aren’t there some perks?”

“Not those kind of perks. Besides, with our luck, we’d probably get caught and you’d end up losing your job.”

“I can see it now. Battalion chief caught having sex with underage girlfriend at San Diego Safari Park.”

“I’m not underage,” she said. “You’re living in a dream world.”

“I meant to say younger girlfriend. My brother and nephews have been teasing me about robbing the cradle.”

“That’s awful.”

“Nah, it’s okay. It’s a guy thing. They’re jealous.”

“Your nephews’ wives and girlfriends are gorgeous. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Oh look! The elephant has her baby outside!”

Stopping to drink the coffee, they watched the mother elephant loving on her baby. It was so sweet, there were no words.

“I just love it here.”

They made an imposing couple, Charlie with his arm draped around Lila’s shoulders, both of them smiling and relaxed as they leaned against an enclosure.

“So what’s next for us?” he asked.

“That’s up to you,” she said, smiling. “Ask me anything. Is that enough of a hint?”

“Ha! Perfect. Do you want to get married? I asked you before and you said no.”

“Yes. I want to get married,” she said quickly, taking him by surprise.