“I’m chomping at the bit to hear what your news is. I know there’s news, right?”

“There are more questions than news, but yes, I have a lot to tell you. Let me take that so you can get out of your coat. You smell good, so you must have had a fire today.”

From Devon, she knew they showered at the firehouse after a call.

“We had a couple of calls but only minor things, thank God. I’ll change into sweats and be right back.”

While he was changing, she arranged their food on TV trays. They’d eat in what he called the real dining room, in front of the TV.

“I’m starving,” he said. “No time for food today. So what happened?”

Starting with Bob’s unannounced visit that morning, she told him the whole thing, noticing that when she mentioned Big Mike, he put his fork down.

“Repeat that.”

“My mother told Bob she was pregnant with Big Mike’s baby. My father said I’m Big Mike’s daughter.”

Sitting back, Charlie looked at her. “What are you saying?”

“You heard me. Yep, but it’s not true. Just wait. My father said he needed to tell me because if we had sex, it would be considered a felony in California.”

“I know that.”

“I don’t believe I’m a Saint, Charlie. Look at me! I look exactly like my dad.”

“So you’re saying I’m not your uncle Charlie.”

“Ha! No. So I got paternity kits from the drugstore and went down to La Jolla to get my father to do a swab. We did the test and sent it in. Now we just wait.”

“I guess that means our romantic evening should be put on hold,” he mumbled, disappointed.

“Probably, Charlie. I want you no matter what. But if you are my uncle, it’s a little creepy.”

They burst out laughing. “What the fuck? I just decided on the ride up that I want to sell my house and move in with you.”

“Well, do it, then. We’ll be the creepy lovers.”

Taking a deep breath, Charlie leaned over and kissed her on the mouth. “Does my brother know?”

“I’m not sure. He made a beeline for me when you were in the ER. My mother had told him we were together. But I think he would have made a stink about it if he thought I was his kid. I’ll corner my mother when I get the results. She might want that power over him. She says Roberta doesn’t know.”

“My gut reaction is that it’s bullshit, so let’s wait until you get the results back.” He looked down at his crotch. “Sorry, buddy, but a few more days won’t matter in the long run.”

“Intercourse is a felony, but not the other things. I looked it up.”

He moved his TV tray aside, getting closer to her. “Like what other things?”

Gently caressing him right there, she stuck her tongue out and slid it around her mouth.

“Like this,” she said, flicking her tongue out like a snake and then getting a firm hold on his strengthening erection and stroking it. “And this.”

“Okay, well, forget it. I’m going to jail,” he mumbled, pushing her back on the couch.