“Not at all. You’re the perfect age for her, as a matter of fact. Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it. You just be ready when it’s time to make the introduction.”

“I’m counting on you. Now I’m psyched. I can’t do the online dating anymore. The last woman was at least seventy, and she claimed to be forty-five.”

“Chief, you’re killing me,” Devon said, trying not to laugh.

“Right, sorry, buddy. I’d better get to the station. Everyone’s asking about you, but I’ll discourage them from coming.”

“Thank you. Do you have a pen and paper? I’ll give you Lila’s number.”

Charlie didn’t argue. He was ready for an introduction, the loneliness after his wife left him growing exponentially in the wake of Mike’s death. He had no one to comfort him, not that Clare would have tried anyway.

They said goodbye, Charlie longing to hug the young man who was like a son to him. He shut the door behind him and took off the cover gown and, turning to the wall, began to cry.