For his week off, Leon spent time with the attorney and then took a ride up to LA County to do a DNA test. By Monday, they had the results. He was babygirlSaint’s father.

“Get the lawyer to arrange custody right now!” Roberta demanded. “This is just my worst nightmare. You have no idea what kind of mother she is.”

“Ma, give me a break. She’s fine. You’re makin’ me crazy.”

“Show some respect for your mother,” Big Mike said. “Please, get on the phone and do what she said.”

The lawyer arranged for Leon and his parents to meet the baby at Family Court the following Saturday. They’d have supervised visits until a court-ordered visitation was arranged, which further incensed Roberta.

They never got to go to the visit, however, because on Friday when the family was at the dinner table, pounding at the front door got their attention.

“I’ll get it,” nineteen-year-old Marty said, pushing away from the table.

They heard the baby crying as soon as Marty opened the door.

“Can I see Leonardo?” a female voice asked.

Even from the dining room, it was clear she was in distress.

Leon hopped up from his chair, followed by Roberta. Standing on the other side of the screen was Tina Marlin, holding a noisy bundle.

Pushing the door open, he held it for her. “Come in.”

Another woman was bringing items from the car and piling them on the porch.

“What’s going on, Tina?” he asked.

“You have to take her. My childcare fell apart, and I have to leave for work tomorrow. I’ll be gone on a cruise for six weeks.”

“I can’t take her! I have a job, too.”

“You have a family, Leonardo. I have no one. You have to take her.”

“It’s Leon,” he said.

“We’ll take her!” Roberta cried, taking the baby from her. “Oh, look at this little cutie.”

Feeling like he was standing on the periphery with everything out of his control, Leon let Roberta take over, orchestrating where the portacrib Tina had brought along would go, shouting orders at Marty to bring the trash bags full of baby clothes inside.

“Don’t stand there like a statue,” she hissed.

“What do you want me to do?” Leon asked.

“This is your kid.”

“Yeah, and now she’s living here. I don’t even know what her name is.”

“It’s Violet,” Tina said. “I know this looks bad. But I can’t lose my job. Thanks to you, I don’t even have a boyfriend anymore.”

“What did I have to do with him?”

“You rememberthat night? You were coming on to me at that dive bar, and that’s why he got pissed off and left me there.”

Leon snuck a glance at his mother and cringed. “Yeah, whatever,” he said. “Do you have anything else in the car?”

He followed her out of the house. “I’d appreciate it if you’d keep your mouth shut around my mother.”

“Oh, grow up,” she said, digging through a suitcase. “Here’s her medical records and birth certificate. You’re named as the father, of course. I’ll be in touch.”