Page 65 of Fever Dream

“Is there something I can do for you?”he asks.

“I’m sorry.I think we should talk about my husband,” I say, pulling my clothing on.I don’t want Elizabeth to do something she’ll regret, something that will get us caught.

“Well,” he motions toward Elizabeth.“If you’ve got something to say, say it then.”

I glance at her.She looks like she is more than ready to speak her piece.But she doesn’t.She just stands there.Frozen.

“You promised you wouldn’t do anything if I brought her here,” she says.“You said you wouldn’t touch her.”

“Oh, that,” he smiles.“I lied.”He is so smooth in the way he goads her.He is a master manipulator; that much is clear.

It is a part of the ruse that Elizabeth is supposed to act jealous.She says it will feed his ego.She said that when a man's ego is engaged, like other parts of him, he just acts inept.

God, I hope this is true.Otherwise we’re screwed.

“You can’t cut me out,” she says, pushing in between the two of us.“We’re a team, remember?”

Elizabeth hands him the bottle.Conceitedly, he takes a long swig.

And then he does something completely unexpected.

“You locked the door?”Elizabeth asks with a devious grin.

“Of course,” he says, taking another long pull on the bottle.“Don't I always?”

But that isn’t the unexpected part.The unexpected part is him undressing completely, like this is a part of the plan I don’t know about.And then he starts to get hard.He starts to get hard in front of Elizabeth.He starts to get hard in front of me.I take a step back.I don’t know what I expected, but it’s not this.

“Fucking hell, you don’t have to be so jealous,” he says to Elizabeth.“We had a deal.”

“But I thought…” Elizabeth stammers.She looks at me.For what, I don’t know.For help?

I shrug.It is out of my hands.I have no idea where she is going with this.I just hope she has a plan, because if she does, she hasn’t shared this part with me.

“You thought what?That I would want a woman like you after Grace?That I’d want to touch you after Grace?”he asks.“You think I’d want my dick anywhere near you when I could have this?”

I hide a smile.He’s toying with her.But I can't help thinking he’s onto us.He knows something is up.He’s being cautious.He’s being calculating.I can see it in his eyes.No one can be this stupid.Not even a man with a large ego and a hard dick.

Dr.Branson hands the bottle to me.“If you’re going to hide behind her,” he says, “you might as well drink.”

I hold the bottle with shaking hands.First, I take a quick swig.It is sweet, this champagne, this killer cocktail.It's unlike anything I've ever had.I just want to disappear.I just want this all to go away, to be over with already.I want off this ship.I don't like this plan anymore.

I take another sip, most of which I backwash.With a giggle I pass the bottle saying, "I'm a lightweight."

Dr.Branson smiles and takes the bottle from me."Now that, I believe."

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, and then I say, “I just thought that we could have some fun.”

“You two can have all the fun you want,” Elizabeth adds.“I’m not going to waste my time.”

“Ah, come on,” he says to Elizabeth.“Don’t be a poor sport.”

He pulls her in close.He looks like a fisherman reeling in a big catch.Elizabeth puts up a bit of a fight, but not much.

I spend the next half hour watching the two of them have sexual relations in that tiny bathroom, until, finally, Dr.Branson stops moving.Sometimes I have to get involved, but mostly Elizabeth works her magic, and I thank God she’s very, very good.

His head flops to the side.I watch as she pushes him off her.“Is he dead?”

“Unfortunately, no,” she says, her nose scrunched in disgust.“Just passed out.”

“What now?”

Her brows raise, but she doesn’t smile.“Now, it’s go time.”