Page 58 of Fever Dream

Chapter Thirty

Dr.Jay Branson

Journal Entry

At approximately 1600 hours, Mrs.Grace Solomon was brought to my office, per my request, which was on account of the officers requesting her presence.She entered the room cautiously, eyeing the extra inhabitants.She seemed to know what had happened.The question was how much.The cops were skinny men—effeminate, almost.Like little boys in grown-up clothing.

“Sit down, Grace,” I said, offering a chair.She moved quickly, without hesitation.

She folded her hands in her lap, picking away at her fingernails.I noticed they were nearly down to the quick.“They’ve found the children.”

With the news came a wave of emotion.It sucked all the air in the room out.It was unclear from her reaction whether she had any indication of what this meant.Her hand flew to her chest and tears welled in her eyes.“And Charles?”

The more gaunt of the two officers stepped forward.I was afraid he might break in two, the way he moved.What use could he be to Mrs.Solomon?“They’re still looking.But we have an idea where he might be.”

“Are they—?”

The second officer was perched on my desk.He cleared his throat and then looked at his partner.He was clearly the one in charge.“The kids are fine.”

The patient nearly crumpled to the floor.The scrawny cop rushed forward to catch her.“They were dropped off.”

He helped Mrs.Solomon steady herself and then backed away.“They’ve been in the care of a woman.In Monterrey.”

Grace looked up with surprise.“California?”


The patient shook her head as though she were brushing a memory away.

“We have word that your husband is not in good shape.”

“That he might not be alive.”

Mrs.Solomon steeled herself.“When can I see Toby and Eleanor?”

“That will take some time.”

Her brow furrowed.“How much time?”

“First, we have to determine your involvement.If any.”

“My involvement?”

“The investigation is underway, Mrs.Solomon.And we’re still searching for your husband.”

Her expression turned to one of recognition.The officer’s eyes locked on the unmistakable look of guilt.The one that screams that you know something more than what you’re saying.The one I was sure was on my face just a few moments before.“I need to see my children.They must be terrified.”

The officer glanced at his colleague and then back at her.“Do you know where he’d be?If we could locate your husband, this will all get smoothed out a lot quicker.”

She exhaled slowly and wiped a tear from her cheek.“No.I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”

She shook her head.“I have no idea.”

The patient’s face fell.Not dramatically, but her countenance collapsed, like a tent in the middle of a storm.I had seen the look before in other patients.In fact, I had seen it that very morning in the mirror.And then it was gone.She stood as quickly as she had sat.“You can’t keep me here, can you?”

“At the moment, we can.”