Page 37 of Fever Dream

“No.He said it was something important.That he had to travel to get something that was important for a deal he was trying to close.”

“But you don’t know what that important thing was?”


“And that’s what the fight was about?That he wouldn’t tell you?”

“The disagreement, yes.”

“The neighbors said they heard shouting.”

“I just told you.I didn’t want him to go.”

“They also said Charles was known to be reserved.And quiet.”

“Yeah, well, I wasn’t.”

“That’s right.You weren’t.And this embarrassed Charles, no?”

“That depends.”

“You were the life of the party, I hear.”

“Once, yes.”

“Until Phillip.Would you agree?”


“I get the sense you were a lot like Elizabeth before the baby.”

The patient looked at me like she didn’t, like she couldn’t see where I was going.“I wasneveran Elizabeth.”

“I don’t know.I get the sense there’s a lot to be seen.A lot that’s under the surface waiting to be revealed.”

She sat frozen in place.

“Would you like my help, Grace?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Of course you do.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“I can help you, Grace.”

“Have you helped a lot of women?”

“Only the ones who wanted it.”

The patient told me she felt like she was trapped in a box with questions coming at her from every side.I kept pushing.I asked her things she couldn’t answer.And then the tables turned.

Unfortunately, though, our time was up.