Page 23 of Fever Dream

Martha releases my wrist, and I breathe a sigh of relief.I don’t know who she thinks she is, but I’m not in the mood to have my wrist broken by a woman who’s older than my mother.If my mother were alive, that is.

“You’re back,” the woman says again, glaring at Elizabeth.“I don’t understand.Why is this happening?”She looks at me with wide eyes and then at Elizabeth.“You can’t be here.It’s not safe for you to be here.”

Elizabeth motions for her to be quiet, but she just keeps talking.

“It’s not safe for you,” she says again.“If anyone finds out about you, about what you’re doing here, about what happened to you, it could ruin everything.”

She grabs my arm again, and this time it is so forceful that I don’t think I can get away from her, no matter how hard I try.

“I was just trying to help you,” the woman says, shaking my arm.“I was just trying to help you.”

“What’s going on here?”someone asks, and right away I know it’s not a nurse.It’s a man, a man who looks quite a bit like President Kennedy, but with different eyes and a bit less hair.

“She’s...She’s one of them,” Martha says.“She’s one of the ones from the other side.”

The man turns to Elizabeth and grabs her by the arm.“Tell me what the fuck is going on here?Tell me you’re not messing with her again.”

“Get your hands off me,” Elizabeth says, but all this does is make him squeeze her arm harder.

“You’re hurting me.”

“You’re hurting her,” I say, jumping in.“You’re hurting her.”

“You need to watch your tone,” the man says.“Take a seat.”

He stabs his pointer finger at my face and then looks at Martha.“You too.”

Elizabeth stares at me for a moment, her eyes flitting back and forth between the man and me.“Come with me,” he orders.“Now.”

She gives me a look and then follows the man out.

“You have no idea what you’ve done,” Martha says, shaking her head.“None.”

“I didn’t do anything,” I say.

Her eyes close, and when she opens them again, she smiles.“Every day is worse than the one before, so every day you see me is the worst day of my life.”