Page 61 of Kill Me Tomorrow

My mouth finds hers, and she goes with it, until someone clears their throat and Ali pulls away. We’re both surprised by the man standing next to us. He wears nice clothes and a less than thrilled expression.

“Ethan,” Ali says, “This is Michael Beck.”

The man extends his hand, and I let it hang in the air for several seconds longer than necessary before taking it. “Ethan Lane.”

“Ah,” he says, shaking vigorously. “I’ve heard about you.” He looks to Ali and then back at me. “You’re the cop, right?”

I don’t answer him. Ali does it for me. “Ethan’s not a police officer. He’s just an old friend.”

“Guess I have the wrong guy.”

He has no idea.

“You wanna grab a cup of coffee?” I say to Ali.

She looks at me and then turns to the chump standing opposite us. “Would you mind?”

“No, no,” he tells her in a manner that lets me know they haven’t been dating long. “Of course not.”

“Perfect,” Ali says, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. “I’ll call you later?”

Beck nods. “It was nice meeting you.”

I offer a terse smile. It’s the least I can do.

Venturing outside, the sidewalk is teeming with people. The afternoon light is quickly fading. The buildings reflect the heat; mirroring the sky. The sun is still bright, and it’s hot, typical of late June. It’s my favorite time of year, stifling and wonderful.

“I hate summer,” Ali says, slipping her arm through mine. “I’ve always hated summer.”

“Where to?”

She leans into me comfortably. “There’s a place I know around the corner.”

“So this Beck guy…what’s up with that? I thought you might be through running scams.”

“You sound disappointed.”

“Maybe a little.”

“I like Michael.”

I think of all the ways to make Michael disappear, but I’m comforted by the fact that Ali never keeps men around long. “You could do better.”

“I’ve missed you,” she says. “I wasn’t sure I’d ever see you again.”

“I don’t believe that for a second.”

She laughs. The only thing I love more than the month of June is hearing that laugh. Ali squeezes my arm. “You’re right. I knew you couldn’t stay away. Which is why I’ve been thinking—” She pauses and looks at me with a mischievous gleam in her eye. “I was thinking we should get a house out in the country. And maybe a couple of dogs…or a horse. I used to love horses.”

I’ve always wanted to live in the country. But I don’t say that. “A house in the country? What for?”

“I don’t know. I guess so no one could hear you scream.”

“That’s not funny.”

“Oh, Ethan,” Ali says. “We could have such a damned good time together, don’t you think?”

“Yes,” I tell her, rounding the corner. “I think we could.” I hold the cafe door open and motion with my hand. “It’s just—”