She furrows her brow. “The truth is, I just really miss dance.”
“This is perfect,” Avery claps. “This way I won’t miss out. If I keep up my skills—if I get better—maybe they’ll still let me compete. ”
I look from Avery to the barista. She looks so happy. A complete one-eighty from just a few m
inutes ago in the car. I shrug. “Guess I’ll need your contact info.”
Chapter Twenty
I know I shouldn’t have done it. But I couldn’t help myself. I hadn’t seen Grant Dunn in five days. We had sex on the hood of his car, and then he ghosted me. To his credit, he did throw in a dozen flowers first. Her favorite, as it turns out.
I’ll admit. I was drunk and a little high too when I stumbled on Avery Dunn’s Instalook page. And the more I drank and the more I looked at her spoiled little life, the more I realized why her father hadn’t called. He was too busy making her life perfect. He shouldn’t have to work so hard to give her all that. She should be happy just to have a dad like him. But she isn’t. It’s obvious. Also, I recognized her face as one of the kids who “studies” at Lucky’s. She’s not one of the troublemakers. But she doesn’t exactly clean up after herself, either. Why would she with a life like that?
So, I did it. I found one of her friends, and I started dripping DMs. Just one or two, here and there. But over those five days, the less I heard from Grant Dunn the more I sent.
But the invitation to teach her to dance…well, that was luck. I didn’t know my messages would get her kicked off the dance team. But I’m not the least bit sorry, either.
“I think we should go away together,” Grant tells me in the office at Lucky’s. We’ve just finished having sex, our third time. It’s after closing, and Stacey’s desk seemed more appealing than Grant’s car. This time was better than last time, but not as good as the first. Maybe it never gets to be as good as it was the first time again. I remember that with Josh. Maybe it’s a high you chase forever. I’m willing.
“Where would we go?” I ask with a smile. This is the best suggestion I’ve heard all week. I can’t take my eyes off him. Mostly, I’m just so relieved he finally called.
He raises his brow, and clearly he has secrets I’d be privileged to know. “You leave that to me.”
I button my shirt and then hand him his tie.
“But Izzy,” he says. His monotone voice comes out rough. “There’s something on my mind. Something serious.”
I cock my head.
There’s not an ounce of hesitation in him. Grant Dunn is not the kind of man who skirts around issues. I could get used to this. I’ve been waiting all my life. “I’d like to know why you haven’t invited me back to your place?”
My cheeks grow hot. I don’t have an answer at the ready. I am not good enough for you. “I-I—”
“Stop.” He cuts me off as he clasps his belt. “There’s only one right answer here…”
I wait for it as he rubs his jaw.
“I have to know it’s not because of that friend of yours.”
He meets my eye then. “No,” I say. “I just didn’t think you wanted to see my apartment.”
“What? Why?”
“I mean…there isn’t much to see.”
He shrugs, holds out his hands and looks around. “It has to be better than this.”
I don’t say anything. He has a point.
He walks over to where I’m standing, and he smiles intently. “I know,” he utters. “I’m probably rushing things.” He leans in and covers my mouth with his. I intertwine my hand in his hair, urging the back of his head closer. He pulls back. “But my God. I just can’t get enough of you.”
“I’m not seeing Tyler anymore,” I offer, and then and there I know I’d promise anything he asked of me. He tastes that good on my lips.
His eyebrows raise and his hand flies to his chest. “Wow,” he exhales. “I can’t tell you what a relief that is. I know—I know,” he adds, holding his palms toward me. “I’m not supposed to make demands. Especially given my own situation. But I can’t help but want you all to myself. And I realized—what’s so wrong with that?”
I feel butterflies in my stomach. “Nothing,” I say, and I swear falling in love is the best thing ever. Grant Dunn is everything. There’s only one small problem. He’s married. Speaking of his wife, she’s been quiet on Instalook lately. Grant hasn’t mentioned it. He hasn’t mentioned anything about his family, really. Mostly, he wants to know about me. Thankfully, I don’t have to offer much. Typically, there isn’t time for talking. I start to ask him about the flowers. I want to know why he didn’t ask me about my favorite. But I’m probably overreacting. Also, it would seem kind of petty. Grant has never once given me the idea that he’s the kind of man to take shortcuts.