stic as you normally are.”
“I’m just tired, that’s all.”
“I don’t think you’re taking good enough care of yourself Jos—”
I shrug. It’s the wrong move and I instantly realize the mistake. My husband doesn’t like nonchalance.
“Step on the scale,” he motions. “I think we should take a look.”
My eyes dart toward the mirror. “It’s not time for my weigh-in…”
“I’m worried about you,” he says. Clearly, he’s going to call my bluff. “I know you have a lot on your plate.”
“I said I’m fine.”
“Yes, but preventative care is the most important kind.”
I stand there for a moment, hands at my sides. We’re eye to eye, toe to toe. Tears prick my eyelids but I refuse to let him see me cry. “I’m not one of your patients, Grant.”
“I know. You’re my wife,” he says, resting his hand on my lower back motioning me forward. “The most important thing in my whole world.”
Eventually, I step on the scale.
“Hmmm,” he murmurs, reading the number. “You’re ten ounces over.”
I throw my head back, stare at the ceiling, and then let out a long heavy sigh.
He seems to think for a moment, but it’s an act, he knows just what he wants to say. He’s making me sweat it out. Finally, he exhales loudly. “But then, your period is coming soon.”
“Like I said, I’m fine.” I step off the scale and glare at his reflection in the mirror. “I’m just retaining water.”
He rubs at his jaw and then stops abruptly. He runs his hands over my body. He’s inspecting me the way he does his patients. I stand there, naked and humiliated. Finally, he stops and takes a step back. “I want you to see Beth tomorrow. She tells me you aren’t sleeping, which is interesting…”
I slip my robe on. “I’m fine, Grant.”
He grabs my forearm and looks me directly in the eye. “I mean, to have to learn about my wife’s sleeping habits from Beth?”
“It was just an excuse I came up with on the fly. You know how Beth is. Always making mountains out of molehills.”
“Yes, I do know how Beth is,” he tells me condescendingly. “She and I both agree an audit would do you good.”
“I don’t need an audit.”
“Don’t question me, Josie. Not after this.” He points toward his dick and then he looks up at me. “You know how hard I work for us, and the best you can offer at the end of a long day is a mediocre performance and obstinance?”
I swallow hard.
“You know I’m not supposed to talk about these things but…you need to know this…you’re sponsoring Tom’s new wife for a reason. I need to know you understand what’s at stake here, Josie.”
I think long and hard about what I’m going to say next, and I steady my tone before I speak. “You’re right,” I say. “I understand.” And in that moment, I think I’m beginning to.
Chapter Fourteen
Josie Dunn posted a picture of new running shoes to Instalook this morning. Isn’t my husband thoughtful? she wanted to know, and clearly, the answer is yes. Now, my most pressing dilemma appears to be that I need new shoes. Mine were worn out anyhow, and wow—she’s right. That man really knows his shoes. Instantly, I Google the brand and try to find out how I might get them, too. Funny thing, I’m not even a runner. But if I had those shoes, and the opportunity to get a body like Josie Dunn, I just might be willing to give it a go. Who knows? A bit of exercise might even do me good. Finally, I find the shoes and order me a pair. They aren’t cheap, not that I expected as much. You get what you pay for. And if I want the kind of life the Dunns have, then I have to play the part.
Hard work pays off. Or internet shopping. Same difference. An hour later she posts a shot of herself at a trail not far from Lucky’s with the caption Breaking them in.