I’m talking about the situation with the lawsuit, mostly. But I’m talking about a lot of things. “I don’t know. I’m still deciding.”

“Just be careful what hill you pick to defend. You may die doing it.”

I’m afraid he’s more accurate than he realizes.

“Instead of ice cream, can I have a drink?”

He pulls open his liquor cabinet and motions. “Pick your poison.”


I watch as he fills a tumbler. “You aren’t drinking with me tonight?”

He shrugs. “Might as well.”

Cole puts on an old record and we sit on his porch drinking and talking for a long time. I want to ask about the wine glass, but I don’t. It’s peaceful out here, and I’d like to keep it that way.

“She’s like the Trojan horse, Ashley is. But I think maybe there are bigger fish to fry. At least for the time being. I’m not going to just sit here and let them take my house. What’s next after that? Where does it stop? Where does it end?”

“Who, the court?” Cole cocks his head. “Julia’s family?”


“They can’t make you sell your house, Ruth. But they can make things pretty rou

gh for you.”

“What should I do?”

He finishes off his glass, places it on the arm of his chair, and looks over at me. “I haven’t the faintest idea.”

I watch him pick up the bottle and refill his glass. He starts to fill mine too, but I wave him away. “I have to get going soon.”

“You asked me what you should do.”


“Do you want to know what I really think?”

“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.”

“I think you should marry me.”

I laugh, and then he laughs, even though nothing is really funny. We don’t look at each other or speak much after that. And that’s my signal that it’s time to leave.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


There are eight miles from Cole’s cabin to Magnolia House. For six of them I am followed. It’s either a pickup truck or an SUV tailing me, I’m not sure which. I call Cole first, considering he’s the closest.

There aren’t many vehicles on the road this time of night, especially not way out here. So when the driver comes on my tail fast and doesn’t pass, I know something isn’t right. He flips on his brights and rides my bumper. Ordinarily, I’d move to the side and let him pass, but on a two-lane country road in the middle of nowhere at this hour, he has options. He can go around.

Only he doesn’t go around. He pulls up close and taps my fender with the front of his truck. It’s a dangerous maneuver, especially at this speed, and I am certain I am going to die. I reach into my purse and fish for my pistol, only to find it isn’t there. I keep a spare in the glove box, but I can’t reach it from the driver’s seat without leaning way over.

“Drive to the police station,” Cole says through the speaker. “He won’t follow you there.”

“Okay.” I am just hoping I don’t die before then. “How far away are you?”