“Take me to them,” I say.

“Very well.” Cade nods, and Tim gets up and moves to the closed velvet curtains. I thought they were hanging on the wall, but when he pulls a cord and they open, I realize they were concealing a huge glass window.

And on the other side is Alex and Bexley.

“W-what is this?” I demand as bile rushes up my throat.

Alex pounds mercilessly into a girl as she claws at his back. But it isn’t Alex who has my attention, it’s Bexley…

Bexley and the girl riding him as if her life depends on it. He thrusts up inside her, over and over, gripping her hips and whispering dirty words at her. I can’t hear them, but I can see the way they form on his lips.

“N-no,” I cry, clutching my throat as tears spill down my cheeks. “He wouldn’t—"

“Oh, but he would.” Cade’s warm breath fans my face, and I swallow a fresh wave of bile.

“This was their final test, Mia. The final task standing between them and the Electi. And as you can see, they both passed with flying colors.” His hand runs up my spine, cupping the back of my neck, forcing me to watch Bexley fuck the girl.

A girl who isn’t me.

A girl I hate almost as much as I hate Cade.


“What did you do to him?” I shriek, feeling despair lash my insides. He wouldn’t do it.

Bexley wouldn’t have sex with a bitch like Brook, task or no task.

Ashton snickers. “Your guy was gagging for it, kitty. Couldn’t wait to dip his cock in her dripping pussy. They’ve been at it a while.” He lounges against the glass, smirking at me in that vile way of his. “I jerked off to her riding his face. Looked like she was having the time of her life.”

“Don’t.” My voice shakes with anger and betrayal as I try to turn away, but Cade forces me closer to the glass, pressing me up against the cool surface.

“Watch them. Watch him take her… does it look like he’s being forced to do anything?”

“You gave him something…” I cry. “You drugged him…” Because that’s the only explanation.

It has to be.

“I wish I could say we did, kitty,” Ashton chuckl

es. “But sometimes good pussy is too hard to resist. And Brook has the kind of pussy that makes a guy see stars. Or so I’ve heard.”

“Oh my God,” I breathe. “What is wrong with you?”

They’re sick, all of them.

Ashton is watching Bexley fuck his sister as if it’s just another day, and Cade is hard at my ass as he watches his ex-fling fuck a guy he claims to hate more than anything.

And I stand there, my heart bleeding out on the ground, wondering what nightmare I’ve found myself in.

“I hate you,” I seethe, my body trembling.

“No you don’t, babe,” he says. “You hate yourself for believing Easton was different, when all this time he was just another guy waiting for a better piece of ass to come along.”

Mia and Bexley’s story continues in Tarnished Crown releasing on 1st April 2021.


Two angsty romance lovers writing dark heroes and the feisty girls who bring them to their knees.