My frantic hands run all over her as the lights continue to flash on and off above and Alex continues to scream, fighting off whoever it is that's chasing him.

The lights flash once more, and I look over my shoulder, but I don't see Alex. Instead, I see Remi. She's sitting in the corner of the freezing cold room with her arms wrapped around her legs, rocking back and forth with tears streaming down her cheeks.

But then Ace Jagger appears, drags her from the floor, and wraps her in his arms.

"He's nothing, Remi. Scum of the earth. He deserves to die."

"No," I cry, as he pins her up against the wall and begins stripping her clothes off her. "No, I'm here. I'm watching. Treat her better than that, you cunt," I warn, but he continues.

I can't help but get turned on as he nails her against the wall, my cock jutting out from my body, ready for some action of my own.

But my girl is…

I spin to where Mia was in a pile on the floor, but she's gone.

In her place is my mother. Blood oozing from the deep slash across her throat and the word ‘traitor’ carved across her bare torso.

I back up until I hit the wall, only it's not the wall—it's the door, and it swings wide open.

The flashing above me continues, but down the dark hall, I see a light.

The way out.

With one final glance down at my mother, I find her now standing with Mia beside her. Their eyes are dark and their bodies covered in blood and bruises.

"Kill him," Mia says, both of them taking a step toward me. "Kill him. Kill him. Kill him," she chants.

"No, no. It's me. It's Bexley. I'll keep you safe. Let me look after you."

"Kill him. Kill him," Mom adds.

Holy shit.

They both pull knives from behind their backs and run at me.

I stumble on the rough ground beneath me. Glancing down, I find I'm running over rocks, but I have no time to hesitate. I can hear their chants getting louder.

I take off, scrambling over the larger rocks.

Finally, I get over to the other side, but all that greets me is a giant red lake.

I look over my shoulder, not seeing them behind me.

But I know I can't go back.

I prepare to jump, and it's then I see the bodies lying face down in the water… and I realize it's not water, it's blood.

I retch as the chant hits my ears once more, and I know that I can either jump or I let them kill me.

Or I could push them…

Standing tall, I wait for them to approach me with their knives raised, ready to plunge them into my chest.

Mom lunges first, and I manage to grab her arm and throw her over the side, into the pool of death beneath us.

"This was always how it was meant to end, Bexley. It's all a game."