“I underestimated you, Mia.” He doesn’t look pissed. In fact, he looks… impressed.

He curves his hand around the back of my neck and draws me closer. “You want to play hard to get, baby, just say the word.” His warm breath fans my face. “But rest assured, Mia. I will have you. And when I do, you’ll be screaming my name while I fuck your virginal pussy hard and fast until you know exactly who you belong to.”

I suck in a harsh breath, my entire body shuddering from his threatening words. Because that’s what they are—a threat.

A promise.

Cade is counting the days until he can make me his. I see it every time he looks at me. For as unnerving as his words are, I can’t help but feel a lick of smug satisfaction. Because Cade will never get to take my first time from me. That belongs to Bexley.

And when Cade finds out I’m no longer his virginal prize, maybe he’ll drop this charade and finally cut me loose.

At least, that’s what I tell myself…

Because the alternative is simply too terrifying to consider.



I keep my head down as I walk toward my first class Monday morning.

I arrived back in Gravestone late last night, having spent the morning discussing the place with Hadley while Cole looked on, totally bemused by the whole setup.

It was nice to see someone else's mind blown by the reality that is now my life, even if it was Cole Jagger.

I guess it could have been worse. It could have been Ace.

I'd wanted to stop by the Jagger house to see if I could talk to Remi while I was in town. I still need to apologize to her. Ace and his brothers kept her so well protected at the wedding I attended a few months ago that I couldn't even breathe near her, let alone talk to her.

I need her to know how much I regret my actions back then. I need her to know how sorry I am for ruining everything that was between us.

Students gossip as I pass them by, but I ignore them. I'm beginning to get used to being the center of attention once again, even if it is very different from my time in Sterling Prep.

I wanted it back then. I wanted to be both the king of the school and the football field. Now, I'm happy for someone else to wear the crown. Granted, it could be someone better than Cade fucking Kingsley who reigns supreme, but as long as it's not me, I guess I'll take it.

I don't talk to anyone—I don't even look at anyone—as I make my way into the empty auditorium and take my seat.

Pulling out my cell, I once again stare at Mia’s messages.

I've tapped out a few replies to her since I received them, but all of them have gone unsent. This thing between us. It's a disaster waiting to happen.

My dad fell for the wrong woman and she ended up fleeing town to restart her life, while his tragically ended a few years later along with the woman who'd been promised to him.

I have no idea if he even loved her.

Then there's Hadley.

At only sixteen, she was practically banished from this place for falling for the wrong guy.

Love is meant to conquer all. I think Quinctus maybe forgot that when they decided on their stupid fucking rules.

I twist my pen around in my hand as students begin filling the space around me. The sound of chairs moving and their excited chatter about what they got up to on the weekend filters up to me where I'm hiding at the back.

I feel the burning stare of more than a few of them, but I don't give them any of my attention in return. I refuse to feed the gossip in any way.

The atmosphere changes the second she steps into the room. Maybe no one else notices it, but suddenly, the air around me becomes hard to breathe and every nerve in my body is on full alert.

I'm desperate to torture myself further and look up to see if he’s delivered her to class like he seems to enjoy—any chance to lord it over everyone—but I keep my eyes glued to my desk, telling myself that I don't need to know.