Heat unfurls in my stomach, and I let out a heavy sigh.

“What was that for?”

“Nothing,” I reply.

“You can trust me, you know. I know I don’t have a great track record with gossip, but I would never betray your confidence, Mia. I hope you know that.”

I glance over at her, surprised at the honesty glittering in her eyes.

“You don’t believe me?” Hurt flashes across Annabel’s expression.

“It’s not that, Bel, I just…”

Crap. The alcohol flowing in my veins is clouding my judgement. I want to tell her, I want to share the burden.

Bexley still hasn’t replied to my message. We spent an amazing night together, and then he just ghosted me… and it hurts.

Damn him, it really hurts.

“Oh, come on, babe. You’re killing me over here. Is it Cade? Did you two…” Her brows waggle.

“No.” God no!

“So what is it? Because I can see your secrets, Mia Thompson. They’re written all over your face.”

“It isn’t Cade.”

“So what, then…”

My breath hitches as the urge to confess overpowers me. I need to tell someone, I have to. It’s killing me, holding this all in.

“You promise you won’t breathe a word of it… to anyone?”

“Cross my heart, hope to die.” She drags her finger over her chest.

“You can’t tell a soul, Bel. I mean it.”

“Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad.”

“Oh, it’s bad,” I sigh. “Me and Bexley—"

“Bexley? As in Bexley Easton?”

I nod slowly, tears rushing up my throat and burning the backs of my eyes.

“Mia, what is it?” She sits up, looking cornered.

“We…” I can’t. I can’t tell her. But before I know what’s happening, the words are spilling out. “We slept together, Bel. I gave him my virginity.”



Dad didn't come home last night. I should have called him, told him that I was in town, but if I'd dragged him away from some important business thing I'd have felt guilty. His life is already shit enough as it is because of my existence; I don't want to make it even worse.

Besides, part of me was scared he would reject me now.

I ended up drinking until I passed out after finding Dad's stash of scotch in the small kitchenette.