“I’ve got to admit, you’re making me a little nervous, so close to the water’s edge.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re swaying,” he points out.

I want to argue, but he’s right. My body sways gently side to side as my feet swirl in the tepid water.

The noise from the party cuts through the silence again, and this time, a group of figures emerge along the water’s edge.

“Crap,” I murmur, not wanting to be discovered.

“It’s okay,” Bexley says, twisting slightly to shield me. “I don’t think they can see us.”

He’s right. We’re sheltered by some cypress trees, but it doesn’t stop my heart lurching into my throat.

“Is that Kingsley?”

I don’t miss the disapproval in Bexley’s voice, and for some strange reason, it warms my insides knowing he isn’t one of Cade’s adoring fans.

“P-please, man, it was a joke, I was joking.” A guy I don’t recognize holds up his hands as Cade and his crew advance on him.

“Tsk, tsk, Males, you really should know better than to lie.”

“I’m not, I didn’t—"

Cade shoves the guy hard and he stumbles, losing his footing. Landing with a thud, he stares up at Cade. “Please, man. I’ll apologize, I’ll—"

“You should have thought about that before you bitched out me and my guys at my own fucking party.” Cade leans down and fists the guy’s Henley. “Kiss my shoes.”

“What an asshole,” Bexley breathes. My hand shoots out and clamps over his mouth. Cade can’t know I’m down here. If he does… I don’t want to think about what might happen.

“Shh,” I whisper, meeting Bexley’s confused stare.

“W-what, man? Come on, Cade, don’t be—"

“Kiss my fucking shoes.” Cade shoves the guy back and he slips, steadying himself in the muddy sand.

“He said kiss them, asshole,” Ashton Moore barks.

“Come on, guys. I’m not gonna kiss his shoes.”

“Fine. Guys,” Cade says, and his crew swarm like bees over the defenseless guy.

“Shit, maybe we should do something,” Bexley mumbles against my palm, his stubble tickling my skin.

“No, we can’t,” I say, hating that it has to be this way. But it’s either the guy or me. And I’m not ready to be the object of Cade Kingsley’s perversities just yet.

“Help, somebody help!” The guy’s cries of desperation evaporate on the balmy air as they strip his clothes from his body, leaving him completely naked.

“This is bull—" Bexley tries to move away from me just as Cade kicks the guy into the water.

“Oh God,” I whimper as their dark laughter drifts over to us.

“Swim, fishy, swim,” Ashton calls.

“I think we’ll take these.” Cade bundles the clothes into his arms. “Just for safekeeping. Next time you run your mouth off about me, you won’t come out of things so… intact.”

A shiver runs down my spine at the threat in his words. Bexley lets out a muted grunt of disapproval beside me, but I still have my hand plastered against his mouth. As Cade and his crew slip back into the shadows, I finally pry my fingers away.