I fall down on the couch and rest my head back, closing my eyes, wondering how the hell my perfect life turned to such shit.



“What’s wrong?” Annabel asks as we walk up to my house.

After spending the night—one amazing night—wrapped in Bexley’s arms, and then finding Cade standing at my door this morning, I needed space.

Cade is out of town for the weekend—he wouldn’t tell me why. But I’d texted Bexley straight away, asking if he wanted to do something.

He never replied, and my mood went from hopeful to despair in five minutes flat. So when Annabel called and asked if I wanted to go home with her for the weekend, I said yes. It beat sitting around all weekend, waiting for Cade to come back or wondering what Bexley was doing that was so important he didn’t want to speak to me.

“Nothing.” I force a smile.

“Come on, Mia. This is me. I know when my best friend is upset about something. You barely said two words at lunch.” We’d visited her mom first, spending a couple of hours eating the ridiculous spread Mrs. French had laid out.

“It’s just weird being back, I guess.”

“Since everything?” she asks, and I nod.

“I didn’t exactly leave on great terms with my parents.” There had been raised voices and cussing, mostly from me. But I didn’t understand how they were so okay with me being Cade’s prosapia. With Mom, I got it a little. She was born into this life. But Dad? He’d always been a bit more of a free spirit.

“But they’re family. You always find your way back to family.”

“Thanks, Bel.” I grab her hand and stop her just before we reach the front door. “I know things have been a bit strange since we started Gravestone U—"

“And you became one of them, you mean?” She smiles, and I find no malice there, only understanding.

“I’m not one of them. I’m not sure I ever will be.”

“I get it. But I want you to know something, too. I’m proud of the way you’ve handled everything. You should be, too. Being the chosen prosapia is never easy. But look at Fawn and Tim. They’re wildly in love.”

I want to argue after what Sasha told me about Tim and Hadley, but I don’t, because although Annabel is my only real friend at Gravestone U, she’s right. Some things have changed. I’m on the inside now, or at least, I’ve entered their world. Annabel is still an outsider.

“Here goes nothing, I guess,” I say, digging out my key and letting us into the house.

“Mom?” I call.

“Mia, sweetheart, is that you?” She rounds the hall, looking every bit her immaculate self.

“Oh, baby, it’s so good to see you.” Her hug is overbearing, but I let her have this moment.

“Okay, Mom.” I pat her back. “We’ve only been gone a couple of weeks.”

“Two weeks too long, if you ask me.” She holds me at arm’s length, inspecting my face. “Are you getting enough sleep? Eating plenty of greens? You look a little—"

“Mom! Take a breath, I’m fine.”

“Hey, Mrs. Thompson,” Annabel says.

“Oh, Bel, sweetheart call me Temperance, please. Mrs. Thompson sounds so formal. Come,” she takes my hand, leading us into the living room, “I want to hear all about it. I still can’t believe my baby is at college. College!”

I shoot Annabel a silent plea for help, but she only offers me a reassuring smile. Traitor.

“So how are classes? And the dorms? Oh, and how are things with Cade?” Her whole face lights up at the mention of my tormentor’s name.

“Cade is… a bit of a jerk, Mom.”