“I hate this too,” I admit, pain lancing my chest as my eyes flutter closed.

“Mia, look at me,” Bexley demands, but I can’t do it. I can’t look at him. “Give me your eyes, mouse.” His arm slides down my waist and around my thigh, squeezing my ass.

My eyes fly open and he smirks. “There she is.”

Silence settles between us, and Bexley closes his eyes.

I whisper, “I wish this didn’t have to end.”

I wake cocooned in Bexley’s arms. His body curls around mine so close there isn’t a part of me not brushed up against a part of him.

“Hmm.” A sigh of contentment slips past my lips.

After our conversation last night, Bexley had dragged me into the shower and acquainted himself with every inch of my body.

I blush just thinking about all the ways he’d made me squirm and scream.

It was risky, letting him spend the night, but I didn’t tell him to go, and he hadn’t asked if he should. We’d just fallen into bed together in a tangle of limbs and frantic kisses… and he’d dirtied me up all over again.

“Keep doing that and you might not like how it ends.” Bexley kisses the nape of my neck, grinding his hardness right against my butt. “What time is it?”

“Early still.”

“Guess we fell asleep, huh?”

“Like you ever planned to leave.” A faint smile traced my lips.

“True.” His gravelly laughter makes my tummy clench in the most delicious way as he pulls me even closer.

“What happened to you, Bexley?” I whisper. I know he’s the Easton heir… but I don’t know the whole story. In fact, I don’t know much about him at all.

“When my mom found out she was pregnant, she fled Gravestone. She must have known life wouldn’t be easy for her, hiding an Easton heir here.”

“She wasn’t your father’s prosapia?”


“Wow, I had no idea.” For as long as I can remember, there has been no Easton heir. I heard my father say once that their line would eventually die out.

“My uncle told me that until my father died, Easton had always been the dominant line, but when my dad died, Gregory Kingsley assumed leadership over Q.”

No wonder Cade is pissed that Bexley exists.

“It just all sounds so fucking unbelievable. I’m just a guy, Mia. I had friends, a life… football…”

I turn in his arms and gaze up at him. “What happened?”

“My parents started arguing, always at each other’s throats. They tried to keep it quiet, but I heard them. I even asked my mom about it once, but she told me not to worry. It was the summer before senior year and things got really bad. My dad came home drunk, got aggressive. Not with my mom or me or anything, but he was just so angry, you know?”

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, leaning in to kiss his jaw.

Bexley tucks my body against his and continues. “I started drinking, partying hard on the weekends. Some guys I knew liked to dabble with pills and coke. I guess escaping reality became easier than trying to figure out what the fuck was going on with my parents. Mom was always crying behind her glasses, Dad was never home, and I had the pressure of the team on my shoulders.”

“You played football?” I ask, because I remember hearing a few whispers back in high school.

“Yeah, I was one of the best quarterbacks in the state.” Bexley stiffens.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”