“Just because you’re not looking at me, doesn’t mean I can’t see you, Mia.” There’s a hint of humor in his voice, but he also sounds apologetic.

Slowly, I lift my eyes to meet his gaze. “Hey.”

“Don’t cower,” he says. “Not for me, not for Cade. Not for anyone.”


“Brandon, just go,” Sasha rushes out. “We’re fine. I’m fine. Just go, please.”

Something passes between them, but eventually he concedes. “Yeah, okay. You two should think about staying in here this morning. I’ll have Mulligan bring you some breakfast up.”

“Mulligan?” I ask the second Brandon leaves.

“Yeah, the cook. He makes a mean omelet.”

“What did Brandon mean, we should stay in here?”

“It means their sluts have overstayed their welcome.”

“Oh.” I frown. “Did Cade—"

“Probably. I don’t need to tell you this, Mia, but Cade isn’t a good guy.” She keeps her voice low. “He takes what he wants, when he wants. But he can’t have you, not yet. Because there are some rules not even the mighty Cade Kingsley can disobey.”

“I hate this,” I admit, feeling a lick of vulnerability inside me.

“Yeah.” Sasha reaches for my hand and squeezes it gently. “So do I.”

“We could run away.” The words just spill off my tongue.

“Even if we did, they’d find us, Mia. You can’t hide from Quinctus or the Electi for very long.”

“But Hadley Rexford got out.” She was Alex’s half-sister and she’d just upped and disappeared.

“That’s different.” A strange expression passes over Sasha’s face.

“Different how?”

“I… uh… we’re not supposed to—"

“Sasha, you’re going to have to trust me eventually. I’m here, aren’t I?”

“She fell in love with the wrong guy,” she whispers, glancing at the door as if she expects someone to burst in at any moment.

“That doesn’t seem so scandalous.”


bsp; “It is when the guy you love is an Electi three years your senior and promised to someone else.”

“Oh my God, who was it?”


“Tim?” I clap my hand over my mouth, surprised at my outburst. “Sorry. But he’s engaged to Fawn and they seem so… together.”

She avoids the Electi like the plague, but whenever I catch glimpses of her and Tim together around campus, you can see how smitten they are.

“It was before he was officially with Fawn, but Tim’s old man brokered that arrangement when Tim and Fawn were just kids. Her dad is the district attorney.”