"Jesus, fuck," I mutter to myself. "Are you for real?" I ask him.
He shrugs, as if letting another woman blow you right after your chosen one has run from the room is okay.
"You're not going to get away with this."
"Watch. Me." He tears his eyes from me and widens his legs as Molly settles herself between them. She wastes no time in running her hands up his thighs and going for his waistband.
"Get them fucking out of here. I won't party with initium watching," he spits. Thankfully, Channing removes the knife from my throat and instead uses it against my wrists.
"Don't do anything fucking stupid," he warns as I pull my aching limbs around to my front and inspect the damage.
"Why? Do we leave all that to him?" I spit.
"He's in charge. We do as he says."
"He's a fucking power-hungry cunt."
Channing shrugs but neither affirms nor denies my statement.
"Alex, let's go." I storm over to where he's still fucking the whore and physically drag him off of her before gathering up his clothes and pushing him out of the room, much to his disapproval if his slurred diatribe is anything to go by.
My eyes lock on the staircase, and I wonder if that's where Mia has fled to, or if she was sensible and left the building. I know what I'd do if I were her. It's exactly what I want to do now: run and never return. But we both know we can't.
“Put some fucking clothes on, or I'm taking you back like that," I warn Alex, who thankfully has come to some kind of sense and, after stumbling around and using the wall for support, finally drags his pants up his legs.
"Let's go. You need to sleep that shit off."
Unsurprisingly, Alex passed out on the drive back to campus, and I didn't have the energy to find his key and dump him in his own room so I took him back to mine and threw him into my bed.
I already knew I wouldn't be making use of it. I was wired and had too many thoughts and concerns spinning around in my head to fall asleep.
After showering, I wrapped up my wrists and pulled on a clean pair of sweats and a shirt before slumping in my desk chair to torture myself with the events of the night.
I must have managed to drift off at some point, because a voice startles me and I sit bolt upright on the chair, having had my head resting on my arms on the desk.
"Where the fuck—Bex?"
I glance over at my disorientated friend. If the situation weren't so dire, I might laugh at the look on his face. But as it is, I can't find the humor in any of it.
"Morning. How good is your memory?"
"I remember the food, it tasted like shit. And then… then nothing…"
"Jesus fucking Christ." I scrub my hand down my face, already dreading having to repeat the details.
He's going to be fucking mortified.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Sasha hovers over me with a mug of coffee. “Thought you might need this.”
It’s the morning after the night before, and I still feel sick.
A deep shudder rolls through me as I sit up and accept the mug from her. “Thanks.”
“Did you manage to get any sleep?”