"Cade, no," she begs, her eyes drilling holes into my face, begging me to look at her, but still I refrain.

"Look at her. Tell me how pretty her cunt is."

"You're fucking sick," I spit.

"Now, now. I don't think you're in any position to start throwing around insults like that."

"I don't give a fuck, Kingsley. Let her go. Do whatever you want to me, but leave Mia out of this."

A wicked smile curls at his lips as his hand moves and Mia stiffens in his hold.

"Oh, don't worry, I will do whatever I like to you. But your reward comes first. Now. Look. At. Her."

Footsteps come closer until a shadow falls over me.

Cade nods at Channing, and I glance over briefly to see he's got his back to Kingsley and Mia, thankfully not watching the show, but the glint of his switchblade catches my eye.

"Do what the fuck he says," he barks, pressing the tip of the knife carefully against the side of my throat. "Everyone will get out of this sooner if you follow orders."

I swallow harshly, accepting my fate. Although right now, I'd seriously consider death if it would get both Mia and me out of this. Only, I don't think it's going to be that easy.

She's in that cunt’s clutches, and I won't give in until he's done and she’s safe.

I drop my eyes back to Cade, my jaw popping as my anger begins to boil over. My fists curl, shooting pain up my arms and forcing my blood over my hands.

"I’ll fucking kill you if you hurt her."

"Hurt? No, Easton. You've got this all wrong. It's all about pleasure." At that final word, he spears two fingers inside her. Mia's hips lift at the intrusion and she cries out for him to stop. Which, of course, he totally ignores.

"You know it feels good, babe. Now be a good girl and let’s show Easton how it's done."

I lift my eyes from where his fingers are moving against her clit, and they lock on to her dark ones.

Tears spill down her cheeks as she accepts her fate.

"I'm sorry," she mouths to me. My jaw tenses so hard I swear I'm about to crack a tooth or two.

I pull at my restraints once more. I already know they're not going to release me, but I can't not try. Although, I soon stop when Chann

ing presses a little harder on the knife.

"Do as you’re told, initium."

Sucking in a deep breath, I continue to hold Mia's eyes, trying to silently tell her that it's okay, that it'll be over quicker if she just complies. Even if it’s all a lie.

A sob racks her body as she must read my eyes, but she begins to relax and allows Cade to do his worst. It fucking slays me, witnessing her come apart under his touch, but I've got little choice but to watch as he builds her higher.

Her nails that were clawing at his forearm to make him stop lose their ferocity as she starts to fall and her eyelids begin to drop as she succumbs to the pleasure.

I force myself back to her dorm room, to when I put that look on her face. I remember exactly how she tastes, exactly how she felt as she came apart against my face, and I distinctly remember the noises that ripped past her lips as she fell.

He murmurs something in her ear and she violently thrashes her head back and forth, but it's too late, she's too close. Not a second later does her body lock up as he pushes her over the edge.

"So fucking beautiful. I knew you wanted me, babe." He lifts his hand from her and pushes two fingers into his mouth. "And so fucking sweet. Next time I'm drinking straight from the source."

"Get the hell off me," she screams. For some reason he must comply, because she jumps from his lap and, without a second glance in my direction, flees from the room, leaving only the echo of the slamming door in her wake.

"Molly, baby. Get over here and suck my cock."