It makes my skin crawl that she has no choice but to be close to him, to accept whatever he throws at her. "Initium. Before your initiation tasks continue, we thought it only right to get to know you. To learn what makes you both tick." He narrows his eyes on me. "Although I think we already know one of your weaknesses." One of his hands drops beneath the table and Mia startles, a quiet gasp passing her lips.

My teeth grind as my fingers twist in the fabric of my pants.

"So, without further ado, please enjoy our food—and more importantly, our company. After all, so long as you pass and are still breathing at the end, we are all now bound to each other for life." He smiles down at me, but it does nothing to lighten the weight of the threat that was laced through his words.

This is a death sentence, regardless of whether we're still breathing at the end of it.

The doors behind me open and two young women dressed in small black and white maid’s outfits, just like the one who greeted us, carry two huge trays in and begin placing plates down in front of the Electi. As they bend over, their asses are on show in their short dresses and their breasts threaten to spill out the top.

Ashton and Brandon eat it up, taking in every inch the women have to offer, while Cade watches on, seemingly unfazed, and Mia squirms uncomfortably beside him.

The scent of herbs and spices fills the air and my stomach growls in anticipation. Maybe one good thing could come out of tonight.

But before the women get down to us, they turn and leave the room, closing the door behind them.



This is hell.

No, it’s worse than hell.

Cade lords over the entire meal like he’s the king and we his lowly people. He keeps one hand on me at all times, touching my arm, my knee, sliding his fingers up my thigh, dangerously close to my panties.

It’s all a game. A sick, twisted game I want no part in yet can’t escape.

“Something wrong with your meal?” he asks Bexley.

“Maybe you should come try it.”

While we sit and dine on a meal of filet mignon, crushed potatoes, and fine green beans, Cade had the servers bring them what can only be described as scraps from the kitchen. Alex has picked his way through some of it but Bexley hasn’t touched a morsel, and I don’t blame him. But Cade doesn’t reward insubordination, and part of me wants to yell that he’s playing right into his hands.

“There’ll be no dessert if you don’t finish your meal,” he taunts Bexley, and Ashton snorts under his breath.

I take another gulp of wine. Cade didn’t allow me to get ready with Sasha tonight, maybe because he didn’t want

her to warn me about whatever the night holds, because I feel it in the air. Something is coming… like a storm on the horizon.

“Aren’t you hungry, baby?” Cade trails a finger along my shoulder. I feel Bexley’s eyes drilling into the top of my head, but I don’t meet his gaze.

I can’t.

This is the worst thing that could have happened tonight. Sitting here, between them, Bexley’s marks still on my skin, hidden by my high-collared dress.

Part of me wonders if Cade knows, if this is all some kind of sick punishment. If it is, we’re prisoners along for the ride either way.

I’d called my father earlier and begged him to find a way around Quinctus’ decision. It was no good calling my mother; she doesn’t get why I wouldn’t want to take my rightful place in our great town’s history.

If this is greatness, I want no part of it. Cade and his friends care more about their reputations and abusing their power than they do anything else.

Cade might be able to give me a life of luxury, of money and privilege… but at what cost?

“The food is fine.” I force a smile in his direction.

He leans in, brushing his lips over my cheek. “I think you’ll like dessert, Mia. There’s something very, very special on the menu.”

My stomach churns violently, but I don’t show my fear.