“Hey, I’m Mia,” I say.

“I know who you are.” Sympathy glitters in her eyes. “Nice to meet you.”

“Hey, Fawn.”


The air cools between the two girls, and I wonder what history lies there.

“Okay, everyone eat,” Cade says, and mayhem breaks loose as the guys clamber over the pastries and fruits. I follow Sasha to the hot food counter.

“Do you always eat in here?”

“For breakfast, usually. Sometimes we escape here for lunch if the guys want space.”


I nod, and she loads a stack on my plate.


“I think I can manage,” I say, and her cheeks flame.

“I’m doing it again, aren’t I?”

“You’re a good friend, Sasha.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that. Being Brandon’s sister doesn’t really afford me the luxury of friendship.”

“It’s hard,” I glance over my shoulder to make sure none of the guys are within earshot, “being one of them?”

“Look around you. Do you really think I’m one of them? That they’ll let me choose my prosapia?” She leans in closer, lowering her voice. “We are the fairer sex. The weaker sex. The submissive sex.”

I can’t argue with that—it’s clear Cade and at least Ashton think that way. That we’re property. Possessions. There to serve and please.

As if on cue, Cade calls over, “Mia, babe, bring me some bacon and eggs.”

“Is he for real?” I hiss.

“Deadly.” Her expression darkens. “It’s a test, girl. Never forget that. Everything you do, everything you say, it’s all part of his game.”

She takes off toward the table, but I give myself a second to catch my breath.

I’m not ready for all this. The games and veiled threats. My fingers curl around the edge of the counter as I try to rein in the onslaught of emotion.

What am I doing?

I should get out of here. Run far, far away and never look back.

Nothing good can come of staying in Gravestone, of staying with Cade.

Bexley’s face fills in my mind. The way he stood up to Cade at the fight. How he refuses to bow to the King of Gravestone U at every turn. Bexley won’t run. He’s made that clear.

“Mia, babe, the bacon…” Cade’s sharp tone makes me flinch, and I look up to find Ashton looming over me.

“Better not keep Kingsley waiting,” he drawls.

“Excuse me,” I say, darting around him, but he grabs my arm as I pass.