
“You really haven’t heard of it?”

“I’ve heard stuff… but I’ve never heard of Cade and Ashton almost beating a guy to death.” Anguish snakes through me as I wonder how Bexley is this morning.

“They didn’t…” She stops herself. “Bexley will live. He’s going to have to survive a whole lot more than that.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Bexley wasn’t supposed to exist, Mia. He’s an Easton heir.” She lets out a heavy sigh. “Easton was always the dominant bloodline until Marcus’ son died. Bexley’s existence changes everything.”

“I’m still not sure why it matters?”

“Why?” Sasha scoffs. “Because Cade doesn’t like outsiders, and Bexley didn’t grow up in Gravestone. He doesn’t know of our ways. Cade sees him as a threat.”

“Wait—you knew, didn’t you? All along, you knew who he was?”

It makes sense now, the strange animosity between Cade and Bexley. I thought it was about me, but it wasn’t. At least, not for Cade. I’m not sure Bexley knew any of this until yesterday. If he did, he sure did a good job of hiding it.

“Yeah, Q told us about Bexley and Alex over the summer. But we were under strict instructions not to say anything.”

“And Alex is Harrison Rexford’s son?”


“Wow. So… he’s Hadley Rexford’s brother.” Hadley left Gravestone three years ago under mysterious circumstances. Rumors at the time were that she got into some trouble with an older guy, so her parents sent her away.

Sasha grows stiff beside me, and I ask, “What is it?”


“You mean you can’t tell me?”

“It’s nothing, I promise. I’m sorry last night went down the way it did, but I—”

“I get it, Cade’s in control. What he says goes.”

“Yeah, something like that,” Sasha grumbles.

“Hey, can I ask you something?” She nods. “You and Channing—”

Her hand slaps over my mouth, and she shakes her head. “Don’t.” I frown, and she quickly adds, “There’s nothing going on with me and Channing, got it?”

I nod slowly, my eyes wide with confusion.

“Sorry,” Sasha removes her hand, “if the guys overhear you asking that, they’ll freak. Electi aren’t free to choose who they date, and they definitely can’t date each other’s siblings.”

“But… Channing isn’t technically the Rexford heir now, is he?”

“As far as Q is concerned, he isn’t. But Cade is a whole other story.”

“Just exactly who is in control here?”

“Quinctus control the town, they always have. But Gravestone U is the Electi’s domain. Crap, I probably shouldn’t be telling you all this.” Sasha sits up and runs a hand through her hair.

“I’ll find out one way or another.” I shuffle up, pressing my back against the headboard.

“Yeah, I guess.”