“Oh, shit. You didn’t? Shit’s about to get interesting.”

“Tell me what?” I glance at Ashton, narrowing my eyes, and then back at Cade.

“Nothing, babe. Just the party tonight.”

“Party? You didn’t say anything about a party.”

“It’s the new moon, Mia.” Ashton grins, but it isn’t friendly. It’s dark and full of wicked intent. “We always party on the new moon.”

“Stop being a dick, Ash,” Sasha chides. “It’ll be fun, Mia. We can hang out.”

“It’ll be fun, Mia,” Brandon mimics, and she claps him around the ear. “Bitch, what was that for?”

“Quit being an ass.”

“I’m beginning to think they should let girls into the—” Channing presses his lips together, swallowing whatever he was about to say.

The two of them—Sasha and Channing—share a heated look, and I frown. Is something going on there? I can’t imagine Cade or Brandon would appreciate Channing macking on Sasha. She’s an heir, yes, but it’s not the same for her as it is for her male counterparts. She’ll never have a line of guys waiting to become her prosapia. Instead, she’ll be matched with someone of Phillip Cargill’s approval.

I heard my parents talking once, and apparently Sasha should get some say in who she settles down with, but women don’t exactly hold the power in Gravestone. Men do, with their old traditions and chauvinistic ways.

“Hey Cade, guys,” Brook’s voice is like a bucket of ice-cold water, and I turn to meet her smug stare.

“Brookie, sister, long time no see.” Ashton leans in to kiss her cheek. “I was beginning to think you didn’t love me anymore.”

“Oh, Ash, don’t be ridiculous. You know I love you, I just didn’t want Cade’s latest toy to feel intimidated.”

A ripple of tension goes through the air as Brook locks her narrowed gaze on me. Cade’s hand remains firmly on my hip, but he doesn’t intervene. He just sits there, waiting to see how I’ll react, no doubt.


“Hello, Brook,” I say, hoping she’ll disappear back into whatever hole she crawled out of.


“It’s Mia.”

Someone snickers, Ashton probably. But I don’t look, because I don’t want Brook to think I’m scared of her, even if my stomach is a tight knot of nerves.

“Oops, my bad,” she shoots me a saccharine smile, “I guess that’s what happens when you’re completely and utterly average. People forget your name. They forget you.”

“Brook, play nice,” Cade drawls, pulling me back into his chest.

“Whatever.” She lets out an indignant huff. “I only came to ask if the party is still on tonight.”

“You know it is.” Cade stiffens, and I wonder what has him so on edge.

“It’s going to be one hell of a night.” Ashton whistles between his teeth. “Don’t be a stranger, Sis. We should all hang out. Show Mia a good time.”

The air crackles again, and I realize I’m the only person on the outside of whatever is going down tonight. The icy fingers of realization wrap around my throat.

“Where is this party?” I ask, schooling my expression.

“At the house, of course,” Cade says, his dark eyes fixed right on mine. “But don’t worry your pretty little head about it, babe.” He presses the end of my nose with his fingertip. “I’ll protect you.”

His words make my heart beat harder. It isn’t a promise…