We're both on our hands and knees, trying to tidy the mess up, when my uncle joins us.

"Afternoon," he says, his voice deep and rough like always and his brow raised in question.

"I can't catch," Alex offers by way of explanation.

I'm pretty sure my uncle thinks Alex and I are in a secret relationship. He's mentioned more times than I care to count about my lack of female action since moving here, and every time I try to steer the conversation to something else, I know he's thinking that it's because I don't want to admit I'm gay.

"Leave it. Brenda can get it," he orders, and we both stand, leaving the mess on the floor.

Brenda is Uncle Marcus' long-suffering housekeeper. She's worked for him for… well, forever, I think. She hardly ever says anything, just keeps to herself while maintaining the level of cleanliness Marcus expects of his ancient looking home.

Everything about this place is old and mysterious. If I cared to look, I’d bet it's got an interesting history behind it. Hell, I'd probably find all the answers in one of the many rooms Marcus keeps locked.

Every time I've asked him about them, he just tells me that we don't need them. That the house is already too big for the two of us. I can't help but agree with him there, but it's clear he's lying. If he cares enough to lock the doors, then there is something in there that he doesn’t want me to see.

"So, how's it hanging, Uncle M?" Alex asks Marcus like he's just one of the guys.

"It's good, thank you, Alexander. And how is college going?" Marcus gestures for us to join him at one end of the dining table that seats sixteen.

"It's good."

"You've both settled in okay?" He turns his eyes on me.

"Yeah, pretty well."

"Any issues with other students?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "Um… no. Nothing unusual. Why?"

"No reason. Just making sure you're happy."

"Yeah, it's good. Our dorm rooms are great. The other guys seem cool," I say, thinking of those we share a communal kitchen and living area with.

"That's good."

Awkward silence falls over the three of us, and I meet Alex's eyes over the table.

"You're a Gravestone U alumnus, right? What advice have you got to help us survive the next four years?" Alex asks, breaking the tension and reminding me why I always drag him here with me. If it's just Uncle Marcus and me, we end up eating in an uncomfortable silence. It's hell.

He nods to himself for a second as he thinks. "Enjoy these first two weeks. When the real work starts, you're going to wish you could go back in time."

"First t

wo weeks? I thought we could have fun for at least the first two years," Alex jokes.

Marcus gives him a knowing smile before Brenda steps into the room with tonight's dinner.

Alex chats away about total bullshit as we eat, and I'm grateful for his verbal diarrhea keeping the awkwardness at bay. I hate this house. I hate the old furnishings and dark wood. I hate that the light bulbs aren't bright enough and how they leave all the corners in the dark.

This house has secrets.

Secrets I have no real interest in discovering and every intention of running away from at my first opportunity.

"Bexley," Marcus states as he lowers his cutlery after finishing his meal. "I expect you to be here no later than seven PM on Friday night."

"Friday? Why?"

"Just be here. Alex will be otherwise engaged." He glances at my friend before pushing his chair out and walking from the room.