"I'll be there in a second, I just need to—"

"She's with Sasha Cargill. It's probably best you—totally ignore me and go anyway," I hear him mutter as I walk away from him.

Her eyes follow my every move as I step up to their table and twist around the free chair, sitting down and straddling it.

I nod at the other girl before turning my attention to Mia. "Kingsley? Really?"

Mia looks between me and Sasha, panic filling her eyes. "I already told you that I don't have any notes."

"Yeah,” I scratch my jaw, my eyes boring into hers, “and I think you're lying."

"That's fine. Think what you like. Will you excuse us?" She twists away from me slightly and my fingers wrap around the back of the chair a little too tightly, my knuckles turning white, something that Sasha doesn't miss.

"Okay, fine,” I hiss. “Have it your way. But this isn't over."

"I think it's probably in your best interest that it is," Sasha warns as I stand, but I don't so much as look at her. I don't give a fuck what her opinion is on this situation, or what her fucking surname is. This is between me and Mia, and we are going to be talking about it.

I feel her eyes burn into me as I walk to the table Alex decided to sit at to watch the show, and just before I sit down with him, I look back over my shoulder, making sure that she knows I'm aware of her attention.

"Do you have a fucking death wish?"

I shrug. "What the fuck is he really going to do about me talking to her?"

"Do you really want the answer to that question?" Alex leans in so no one else in the coffee shop can hear his next words. "Apparently he's killed people for less."

"How fucking gullible are you?"

"Okay, fine. Don't believe me. But don't come running to me when he's ripped out your heart for touching his latest toy."

"Firstly, if I'm dead, then I'm not going to be running anywhere, asshole. And secondly…" I trail off as Mia and Sasha move from their table and walk toward the exit together. I watch them leave the building and walk in front of the windows, heading for class. I don't think she's going to look back, but right before she rounds the corner, she does, and her eyes immediately lock on mine. They widen as if she wasn't expecting to find me watching her, and I smile.

This is far from over.

“And secondly…” I smirk. “Fuck off.”

Classes drag. They’re only made slightly more bearable knowing that I've got economics at the end of the day and I'll hopefully have a chance to catch Mia alone afterward.

I turn up to class early in the hope she might have done the same thing, but I'm disappointed when all I find are the over-eager bookish types hovering around the classroom door. Spotting an empty bench so that I can see the students coming and going, I wait. The nerds eventually head inside once our professor arrives, probably to make sure they get prime position front seats.

There's two minutes to the start of class when I finally see her approaching, only she's not alone. She's once again being escorted by Cade fucking Kingsley.

I might have only spent a few minutes with her on Friday night and have limited knowledge of her from school, but she really doesn't seem to me like the kind of girl who'd be interested in an arrogant asshole like him.

They both look up as I stand from the bench and walk toward them. His hand tightens on her hip as I approach.

"Fancy seeing you two here," I mutter as we all come to a stop outside the classroom door.

"You seem to have forgotten your puppy dog," Cade remarks, making a show of looking around for Alex.

"And you don't seem to have lost your bullshit attitude."

Mia snorts a laugh at my comment but quickly tries to cover it up as a cough.

"I can take it from here. Mia," I gesture toward the door for her to go first.

"You need to stay well away from my girl, Danforth," Cade barks, taking a step forward and pushing Mia behind him as if she needs protecting from me.

"Or what, Kingston?"