The ten of us walk into a silent reception room that's laid out much like a wedding reception complete with a top table. It’s empty bar one person waiting for us.


Everyone in the room stands as we enter, and I barely contain a snort. It's fucking ridiculous.

We take our seats, and at Cargill's instruction, everyone in the room takes their seats once more.

The whole sight is really something to behold.

I look around the room, wondering where their wives are, and find a table at the back of the room full of females. Chauvinistic assholes.

They have every right to be up here with their husbands.



Nervous energy zips around my stomach as I watch the Electi and their fathers enter the room. Bexley immediately catches my eye, his widening with surprise.

I know what he’s thinking. It’s probably the same thing I’m thinking.

Why am I seated at their table?

The men.

When I’d arrived with Sasha earlier, I followed her to what was clearly the female’s table, only to be steered away by a server and directed to the other table.

I knew immediately this was all part of Cade’s game… but to what end, I still don’t know.

Sasha and Channing have been warning me to be on my guard tonight, but it’s not easy when I’m about to be thrown into the lion’s den with Cade, the Electi, and Quinctus.

They all take their seats. Bexley and Alex at the end of the table, with the Electi in the middle and their fathers at the head of the table. Channing looks awkward as he glances between his uncle and Alex. Cade waits for everyone else to be seated before sitting down.

“You look stunning,” he drawls, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

There’s no denying the black bodycon layered in sequins is beautiful, but it does little to soothe the knot in my stomach. I don’t want to be here.

Phillip Cargill stands and clinks his glass, ushering the room into silence. “Friends, family, our future,” his eyes rake over each and every one of us, “tonight we welcome two of our heirs into the fold. Initium Easton and initium Rexford, you have demonstrated the strength, integrity, grit, and determination to take up your rightful place as Electi. To the initiates,” his eyes find mine, flickering with something I can’t quite decipher, “and to Miss Thompson. Welcome.”

Everyone lifts their glasses into the air and toasts them. Alex looks like a fish out of water and Bexley looks positively pissed. But he doesn’t object to Phillip’s speech, lifting his own glass in appreciation before taking a large gulp of champagne.

Cade snorts beside me, and I throw him a strange look. What I really want is to ask him what he’s up to, but the doors burst open and servers flood the room, serving the first course of the evening.

It smells delicious, but I know I won’t be able to eat much. I’m too restless. Too concerned about what comes after the formalities. There’s another party at Cade’s house. Something smaller, he said. Something intimate. I don’t know what that means, but I know it won’t be anything good.

His fingers linger on the back of my neck as he absentmindedly strokes my bare shoulder while talking to his friends and their fathers.

I gulp my wine, unsure how I’m going to survive the evening. Everyone is acting like this is normal. The wives chat happily to one another while the men sit at their own table, lording over the town. But it occurs to me this is normal for them.

“Cade,” I eventually ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

He gives me his full attention, a smirk playing on his lips. “Yeah?”

“Why am I the only female at the table?”

“Would you have preferred to have sat with the wives?” His brow arches.

“Just answer the question.”