"Sadly not. He's fucking invincible, that cunt."

"Yeah, I got that sense too."

We pull out of campus in silence, tension rippling around the small space.

"What can we expect tonight?" I ask, needing to get out of my own head.

"It's a formal meal with Q to welcome you to the fold."

"We're in?"

"You'll have to wait to find out. It's not over yet."

"Fucking great." I scrub my hand down my face.

"For what it's worth, I'm glad you're both okay. I had nothing to do with the DOM."

"The what?" Alex asks, poking his head between the front seats.

"DOM. It's what you took. A hallucinogen. A fucking strong one."

"You don't say," I mutter, staring out of the window as the town passes us by.

"Just… just watch your backs tonight. Cade is planning shit, but he hasn’t even told us what it is. But historically, the after party gets a little… wild."

"More than the last event we were forced to


"You have no fucking idea. Prepare yourselves for the worst," he says, pulling into a full parking lot. It's like a showroom for the rich and famous. "Let me go in. Give it five minutes, then follow. If he finds out…" Channing trails off. He doesn't need to say the next words. We all know.

We climb out of his car and I nod at him before he takes off across the lot and toward the entrance.

"Something tells me tonight is going to be anything but fun."

"You got that message as well, huh?"

"I fucking hate this. I much preferred life when I was just Alex Shaw," he says sadly.

I want to agree with him, but I soon realize that I never really liked the man I was before being Bexley Easton either.

After our five minutes are up, we head toward the entrance.

We're welcomed by name by a couple of young men I've never seen before and directed through to the bar while everyone else seems to already be in the main ballroom.

Pushing the door open, I square my shoulders and jut out my chin when we find it occupied by only the Electi and Quinctus.

"Ah look, our initium are finally here," one of the elders says—Tim's father, I think—before every other set of eyes, including Marcus', turn on us.

"We didn't think you were going to make it," Cade pipes up.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Kingsley, but we wouldn't have missed it for the world."

He smiles at me, but it's full of venom.

They chat briefly, exchanging pleasantries with us about how our initiation is going like they don't already know what twisted games Cade is playing before someone comes to tell us that we need to make our entrance.

Yeah, our entrance.