All my stuff has gone.

All that’s left is the furniture and a black suit hanging on the closet door.

“What the fuck?” I mutter, looking around, but in all honesty, I don’t care right now.

I fall into bed, not giving the fact that I have no alarm set for a few hours time a second thought as I pass out.

“Wake the fuck up,” someone shouts as my shoulder starts to shake.

“No, it’s too early.”

“It’s really fucking not. I suggest you shift your ass unless you want Cade to follow through on his threat.”

Ripping my eyes open, I blink a couple of times as the blurry image of Channing standing over me emerges.

“Why the fuck are you in my room?”

“You should be thanking me, Easton. If he knew I was here he’d kick my ass.”

“You think I give a shit? You’re no better than him.”

“Really? I thought you were fucking smart, Easton.”

“Whatever.” I wave him off and push to sit in bed, keeping the sheet over my waist, not wanting to flash him twice in one day.

“You’ve got thirty minutes to be at Gravestone Hall. Get your fucking ass moving. Mia needs you."

My eyes find his, and for the first time, I see genuine concern in his depths.

"Fuck, okay." I jump from the bed and make a beeline for the bathroom.

"Is Alex up?" I shout over my shoulder.

"Going there now. I'll be down in the parking lot. Be fucking fast."

I have the quickest shower of my life. It's hard fucking work, because my limbs don’t want to move as fast as my head tells them to. But finally, I drag on the suit that's waiting for me and head across the living area to grab Alex before we're late.

"You ready?" I ask, shoving my head into his room without knocking. Seems fairly pointless, seeing as I've almost seen him naked more than I have myself in the past week.

"Yes, let's go."

We blow through the dorm, earning us more than a few curious looks. Alex still looks like hell, and I didn't bother looking in the mirror. I just ran some wax through my hair and hoped for the best.

"What the fuck is Channing playing at?" Alex asks when we step into the night to find his headlights illuminating the parking lot.

"I don't know, but something tells me he's helping."

"Really? You think he'd go against Cade like that?"

"Fuck knows. I feel like I don't know which way is up right now. You still tripping?" I ask.

"I thought I was showering in snakes."

"I'll take that as a yes," I laugh.

"That shit was brutal. I lost count of the number of people I killed."

"Tell me Cade was one of them," I mutter, stepping up to Channing's car.