“Why do you always have to be such a bitch?”

“Me? Me!” she shrieks, and everyone stops to take notice. “You’re the queen bitch around here, acting like you’re something just because your mom got with my dad. My mom’s bed wasn’t even cold and she just—"

Brook lunges for her, and the two of them start going at it, hands swinging and nails scratching. I don’t know what to do, so I stand there, hoping someone will intervene. It takes Brandon and Channing to finally tear them apart, but neither of the girls go down without a fight, bucking and broncing.

I try to move around Brandon to get to Sasha, but someone’s fist catches the corner of my face and I stumble, losing my footing.

‘Mia,” someone yells right as my head collides with the ground…

And everything goes black.

Muffled voices fill my head, but I’m too confused to latch onto them.

“Maybe we should take her to the ER.”

“No fucking way. Not tonight. The last thing we need is the local PD sniffing around.”

“We should go get them. It was a bad fucking idea to leave them out there on DOM.”

DOM? Who’s DOM?

I try to move, but pain explodes in my head. God, it hurts.

“They’ll be fine. Quit being a pussy.”

“DOM fucks you up. They could do some serious damage,” someone says. His voice is softer than the other guy’s. Kinder.

Slowly, I blink, forcing my eyes open. I’m in a bedroom, lying on a huge bed cloaked in black sheets. My eyes find Cade and Channing over by the window.

“W-what happened?” I try to sit up, but the pain rattles my teeth.

“Mia, babe, thank fuck.” Cade rushes to my side.

“What happened?”


“She hit me.”

“It was an accident,” Channing says. “She was trying to get to Sasha.”

“They were fighting.” I remember now. Sasha was drunk and high and Brook accosted us in Cade’s huge yard.

“You had quite the fall by all accounts.” Cade glances up at Channing.

“Where’s Sasha?” I ask.

“Sleeping off all the pills and vodka.”

“I am—"

“This is my room.” Cade’s eyes darken. “You look good in my bed.” He runs his knuckles over my cheek. “Just a shame it isn’t under different circumstances.”

I’m too weak and confused to fight him. I already want to close my eyes and drift off into a deep sleep.

“Whoa, Mia. You need to try and stay awake, in case you have a concussion.” Channing moves closer, concern shining in his eyes.

“Stay with her,” Cade orders. “I have shit take care of. Do what he says, okay?” He leans in and kisses my forehead. “I’ll be up later.”