“But even pests have their uses.” Ashton shrugs.

I sip my drink and pretend to be paying them no attention. Cade has me tucked into his arm, furthest away from them.

“Are you sure about this?” Channing asks. “Maybe one of us should…” The music drowns out his voice.

“You need to relax, Chan,” Ashton says. “Everything is under control. For us at least. Man, I’d kill to see—"

“Ash,” Cade barks, and silence falls over them.

“Where the fuck is Tim, anyway?”

“Fawn had an episode again.”

“Fuck.” A heavy sigh leaves his lips. He catches me watching and smirks. “Sorry, babe, are we neglecting you?” His lips graze mine, but then his tongue licks the seam of my mouth, demanding entrance.

I kiss him, hoping if he lets his guard down enough, I’ll find out what they’ve done with Bexley and Alex.

But twenty minutes later, I know nothing… except whatever it is, it’s bad.

Bad enough that Channing and Brandon both seem uneasy. Even if Brandon is dry fucking the blonde against the wall right now.

“I’m going to find Sasha,” I eventually say, hoping he’ll release me from his possession long enough to find her or Annabel.

“Sure, but come back to me,” he teases, his eyes pinning me to the spot. “I’m not done with you yet.”

I find Sasha kissing some guy I recognize from around campus.

“I, uh… sorry, I need to borrow her for a second.” I grab her hand and tug sharply. She stumbles after me, giggling.

“He’s cute.”

“And you’re drunk.” And high.

“It makes it easier.” Her eyes are glazed, her pupils blown wide. “You should try it.”

“I’m really worried. It’s late, and there’s no sign of Bexley or Alex. And Brandon and Channing—"

She huffs at the mention of his name. “Channing… Channing can go fuck himself.”

“Sasha, focus.” I gently shake her shoulders. “The guys seem… worried.”

“Doesn’t mean they don’t follow orders like the good little lapdogs they are, though.”

“Think, Sasha… think… Has Cade said anything that might help me figure out what he’s done to them?”

“He’s obsessed with the old ways.”

“The old ways?”

“Yeah… things used to get pretty crazy back then. Blood rites and all these weird initiations with hallucinogens. I heard my dad and Gregory talking once.”

Fear snakes through me. “I have a bad feeling about this,” I say, chewing my thumbnail.

I lead Sasha back to the party, but Brook spots us and saunters over.

“Oh look, it’s the Electi’s pet.”

“Fuck off, Brooklyn, we don’t have time for your bullshit.” Sasha barges past her, but Brook grabs her arm.