We’d arranged for me to sneak into her dorm after school this evening. We pretended it was so we could work on our economics assignment, but we both knew we were lying. No homework was going to be completed once we were alone in her room.

But as if he knew, Cade decided that tonight was the perfect time for him to pitch up to Mia’s dorm to complete his own homework with her.

Mia promised she’d message the second he left, but as the time ticked on, I started to wonder if he was intending on staying the night.

That thought made my blood run cold.

It’s bad enough having the memory of him kissing and touching her in my mind, but knowing he’s lying beside her like I did only days ago… A shudder rips through me, and my fists curl in frustration.

“What’s wrong with you? Need a shit or something?” Alex asks me as I jump from his bed like my ass is on fire.

After spending those short minutes with Mia in the auditorium yesterday, I decided it was probably time to pull my head out of my ass and talk to Alex.

In typical boy style, he took one look at me standing at his dorm room door, asked me if I’d stopped sulking yet, and invited me in as if nothing ever happened.

He made everything seem so easy, and I wished I could go through each day without this oppressive weight pressing down on my shoulders.

Alex is stressed about this Electi thing, don’t get me wrong, but he seems to be accepting it a hell of a lot better than me.

“I’m going for a run.”

“A run? It’s nearly eleven.”

I glance at the time on my cell and notice that he’s right.

“I’m restless. We’ve got some shit heading our way this weekend, and I can’t settle.” It’s not a total lie. What Cade and his goons have in store for us for our final initiation task is never far from my mind.

He’s already drugged us, beat us half to death, and forced us to act like peasants while they lord it up over us. And that’s without mentioning the sluts they sent our way.

This last thing is going to be worse, so much worse. But how?

It’s no secret that they all have more money than sense, and access to anything their hearts desire. And, of course, they’re all twisted motherfuckers. It literally could be anything.

“I know, me too. It’s gonna be brutal.”

“You don’t look too concerned,” I point out.

“They’re not gonna kill us.” He shrugs—fucking shrugs, as if this is water off a duck’s back. “We’re firstborn heirs of bloodlines that will become extinct without us. Their lives wouldn’t be worth living if they offed us.”

Alex has a point, but it doesn’t fill me with much confidence. So they’re not gonna kill us. It still leaves it open to any other sick and twisted games they can come up with.

I collect up my books and shove them all into my bag, ready to switch it with the one I packed earlier that’s waiting in my dorm.

I’m at the door, about to say goodbye, when he speaks again.

“Where are you really going?” he asks, his eyes holding mine as if he’ll read the answer within them.

I pause with my hand on his doorknob, my temperature spiking.

I want to tell him. Forgetting the fact that he only searched me out on my first day at Gravestone High on the instruction of Marcus, he's been nothing but a great friend. If it weren't for him, I've no doubt I'd have spent my entire time at high school here in the shadows, but he forced me to do things I didn't want to do. He forced me to live, and while I dug my heels in at every opportunity, I really appreciate that he never gave up on me.

But I can't. This is one thing that I can't confide in him. If Cade were to find out that Alex knew… I shiver. No, I can't do that to him.

"I'm going for a run. I'm too wired to sleep. I need to burn some energy off."

"Riiight. For the record, I don't believe you, and I think you're playing with fire."

My mouth opens to respond, but I can't find any words.