I moan as every single part of my body aches with the cold. A shiver rips through me. The sweat that was coating my body now turns my skin to ice.

"Quit being a fucking pussy. You put yourself in these kinds of situations then you need to be man enough to deal with the consequences." That's Ace.

Fuck. Neither of them should be dealing with me like this. They both have their girls and much better things to do with their Friday night.

"I could have taken him. I should have taken him."

"Bit late to try to be the big man, don't you think? You lost, bro. You lost bad."

A car door opens before they none too gently push me into the back seat. I don't even attempt to stay upright—I already know my ribs won't allow it—but what I don't expect is to find a soft, warm pillow for my head.

I snuggle into whatever it is, already feeling entirely too comfortable when I should be in agony.

I'm just about to open my eyes to see who it is when everything once again goes black.

Chapter Nineteen


“How is he?” Hadley’s head appears around the door. I didn’t even hear it open.

I’m exhausted.

After getting Levi’s message, the night had been a blur.

I’d called Hadley and asked for Cole immediately. He told me they’d handle it and hung up. But I couldn’t just sit there and do nothing. I hadn’t even realized what I was doing until I spilled out of the building and saw Cole’s car.

He’d come for me, and I’d never been more grateful.

But all the relief left me when I saw Conner lying there, bloody and bruised and barely conscious. We managed to get him home and I cleaned every cut and bruise, refusing to let anyone else touch him.

That was about four hours ago. I haven’t left his side since.

“He’s in and out.” Whatever Ace gave him earlier seemed to help. He’d practically force fed his brother the pills, but they settled him.

“You should try and get some sleep. I can sit with him.”

“I’m okay.” I glance at Conner again. He’s a mess. A broken, bloody mess... and all because of me.

Guilt gnaws my insides. I should have talked to him, I should have let him in. But I didn’t know he’d do this.

“I’m so sorry.” Hadley slips into the room, gently closing the door. “I didn’t mean to tell him. We got into it and it just came out. I never meant to betray—”

“It doesn’t matter.” All that matters is that Conner gets better and never does this again.

“If I’d have known he would do something so stupid, I would never have...” She trails off, staring at Conner. “James is going to pitch a fit when he sees him. Sarah too.”

“Are they always away so much?”

“Yeah, they go out of town a lot on business. I think it’s James’ way of trying to show the boys he trusts them.”

“That seems...”

“Backward. Yeah, tell me about it.”

We share a small smile. “I am sorry,” she says.

“I know. I’m to blame as much as you are. I should have told him the truth. I let him...” I swallow the words, trying to fight the memories of him fucking me into oblivion.