“You... loved me?”

“Are you that fucking blind, Kenny?” The words are barbed and lethal, cutting me wide open.

“But you just let Warren move in on me. You stood by and did nothing...” But as I say the words, I know they’re a lie.

“You told me it was just sex. You said that, K. You broke me.” He jabs his fingers at me, hatred swirling in his eyes. “You did that.”

“I didn’t—"

“Conner, let’s go,” Ace calls from down the hall. His voice is like a bucket of cold water and I stagger back, bumping into someone.

“Hey, watch it,” the guy hisses.

“Sorry,” I mumble.

Conner starts to leave, but I call his name. His eyes slide to mine and what I see there will haunt me for the rest of my life.

I watch as he walks away from me.

Taking the jagged shards of my heart with him.

The rest of the week isn’t much better. Conner is like a ghost in the halls at school. If he sees me, he turns around and goes the other way. Hadley barely looks in my direction, and Cole, Ace, and Remi all give me space.

I never felt a part of their inner circle, but I didn’t feel pitted against them. Now it feels like a line has been drawn, and I’m on one side and they’re on the other.

I barely sleep. Every night, I lie there replaying that conversation over and over in my head. I’d been so certain Conner was going to tell me it was a mistake, that he didn’t want to ruin our friendship, that I’d beaten him to it.

I’d lied.

The truth taunts me. It haunts my broken sleep and torments my mind.

He loved me.

Conner loved me. And yet, I’d ended up with an abusive, narcissistic psychopath.

It changes things... and yet, it doesn’t.

Conner had a hundred chances to fess up, to fight for me. But he didn’t. He simply stood by and let Warren claim me.

Something bangs against my window, and my heart leaps into my throat. Padding over to it, I pull open the curtains and search the ground below, half-expecting to find someone there throwing stones. There’s n



It isn’t until I inspect the glass closer that I notice the tiny splatters of... blood. A shiver runs through me as I once again search the ground below.

I finally spot the blackbird, lying there at a funny angle. Poor thing. It must have flown right into the window and snapped its neck.

At least its end was quick and painless.

At least it is at peace now.

Unlike me, who is stuck in the worst kind of hell.

I sink down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. It’s Friday night, and everyone else will be with their friends, hanging out at the pier or at someone’s party. My cell vibrates and I snatch it up.

Unknown: It’s Levi. I’ve tried getting a hold of Ace or Cole but they’re not responding. Conner turned up at fight night again… but he’s out of control. They need to come now before he does something he’ll regret.