It rings, and rings and rings. It doesn't even go to voicemail. It just cuts off.

I don't even realize that I've pulled my arm back, and it's not until my cell collides with my bedroom door that I even register that I've thrown it.

Pacing back and forth, I try desperately to tamper down my growing need to storm over there and have it out with her. The crack of my knuckles fills the air as I try to convince myself to do the right thing.

She doesn't want to talk. I understand that, but right now, I'm not fucking happy about it.

I thought we'd made some progress last night. I thought it might have been the start of her letting her walls down.

How fucking wrong was I?

My heart twists in my chest, a pain lancing through me that I'm becoming all too used to.

A soft knock on the door has me pausing with my back to it.

"Fuck off," I bark, not wanting to see anyone unless it's Kenny, and I already know it's not her. I know when she's near, I feel it.

She isn’t in this house. She's run as far and as fast as she could.

Am I that fucking unlovable that she couldn't even wait until this morning to pull the plug?

There's another knock before the door is pushed open.

"Conner, are you—"

"Leave me alone, Hads," I snap.

"What's wrong?" Hadley asks, totally ignoring my request and instead stepping inside, despite my tone or the fact that I'm still naked. I turn away from her and stare out of the window. "Where's Kenny?"

"Gone," I spit.

"But, I thought—" Hadley starts, but I cut her off.

"Yeah, me and you both." I blow out a defeated breath, my shoulders lowering and my head dropping.

"I'll go see her, make sure she's okay."

"I thought... I... we..."

"I know, Con," she says sadly, stepping up to me and pressing a kiss to my shoulder blade. "It'll be okay, you'll see."

"How? How is this going to be okay? She couldn't even bear to see me this morning."

"I'll talk to her."

I don't respond. Part of me wants to tell her not to bother, that Kenny isn't interested in talking, but another, more insistent part is desperate for Hadley to go and plead my case. It seems I can't do it with words or actions, so someone else might as well have a shot.

It isn’t until she's closing the door that I look over my shoulder. Our eyes connect for a second and a sad smile pulls at her lips.

Grabbing a pair of boxers, I make my way to the bathroom. I hate to wash away Kenny’s lingering scent, but I can hardly spend the day with it reminding me of what we had for those few hours.

The hot water does little to soothe my muscles or to loosen me up at all, and by the time I get out, I'm still as furious as I was when I stepped inside.

"Morning, sweetie," Ellen sings when I enter the kitchen a few moments later. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"Nothing," I mutter, walking to the refrigerator and pulling out a bottle of water.

"N-nothing? Are you okay? Are you sick?" Her concerned eyes burn into my skin, but I don't look up at her.