"Were you playing me, K?"

"More like giving you a taste of your own medicine."

"You told me you didn't want me. I'm free to kiss whoever I damn well please."

"Oh really?" Her eyebrows shoot up in shock.

"Yeah. I'll go back now and continue what we started if you like. I know she was up for it, she purred like a fucking kitten when I pushed my tongue into her—"

"Stop. Just stop, okay?"

"Why? Jealous?"

She silently fumes beside me, attempting to tug her hand from mine so she can turn her back on me, but she's unsuccessful.

Tension crackles around us for long minutes as she stares out the window and I smirk to myself. If she wants me to believe her when she says that there's nothing between us, then she needs to start acting like it as well.

"You missed the turn," she snaps, still refusing to look at me.

"No, I didn't."

"But dorms are... I'm not going back to the party, Conner. Not after the way you—"

"We're going to mine."

"What? No, we're not—"

"Quit arguing, K."

"But..." she huffs.

"You're not running from me tonight, and you're not hiding in your dorm. I dragged you out of that party to talk, so that's what we're gonna do."

"We're gonna talk. In your... bedroom?" Finally, she turns to look at me. Fire burns brightly in her eyes, but I'm pretty sure it's not anger about me kidnapping her. There's only heat staring back at me.

"Tell me what you want, K."

"I... I don't want to talk, Con."

"Fuck," I groan, pushing my accelerator lower and forcing the car to jolt forward.

The second the car comes to a stop outside our house, I'm out and pulling her door open.

"Come on." Reaching inside, I take her hand and all but drag her up to my room, I only pause to swipe a bottle from James' constantly stocked liquor cabinet. It's like he wants us to get shit-faced. Not that I'm about to argue.

She happily trails behind me until she's in my room. Then she grinds to a halt with her muscles pulled tight.

"What's wrong?"

She shakes her head. "N-nothing." Her fear-filled eyes are locked on my bed, and I swallow down my disappointment that she's about to turn and run.

"K?" I whisper, stepping in front of her and cupping her cheek in my hand.

She still refuses to look at me, so I lower down a little and find her eyes myself. I gasp when I find them full of unshed tears and pain.

"Talk to me, K. Please," I beg.

"I-I can't." She steps back from my hold and I suck in a breath as I prepare to watch her run through the door and away from me. Only that's not what she does. Instead, she rips the bottle from my hand and twists the cap.